Greetings to everyone who is reading my post.
I found out, that your newer beta-releases version 0.9.8+ are kinda broken and I'm not only one who has this problem.
There wasn't any problem, when I used version 0.9.8, but I wanted to upgrade from 0.9.8 to newer beta-release 0.9.15 because I was impressed with new features that came in with newer versions like scripts etc.
Now I'm using version 0.9.15 and many of things had happened. Since I've upgraded (I mean completely re-install and re-download sinusbot) everything went wrong. The bot is no longer able to launch client and connect to my server plus he can't start web administration commonly running on
Now I will paste here some information, that can help you solve this issue.
PC specs:
Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04
Kernel version: 4.4.0-47-generic
CPU: AMD FX-6300 (Vishera)
GPU: Sapphire HD 7770 Vapor-X OC
Network card: Realtek 8186
Browsers used: Firefox 49.0, Chrome 54.0.2840.100 (64-bit)
Output of ./sinusbot - log level 10:
Output of config.ini:
Output of bash
I'll be grateful to everyone, who'll help me.
Thank You!
- Yame
I found out, that your newer beta-releases version 0.9.8+ are kinda broken and I'm not only one who has this problem.
There wasn't any problem, when I used version 0.9.8, but I wanted to upgrade from 0.9.8 to newer beta-release 0.9.15 because I was impressed with new features that came in with newer versions like scripts etc.
Now I'm using version 0.9.15 and many of things had happened. Since I've upgraded (I mean completely re-install and re-download sinusbot) everything went wrong. The bot is no longer able to launch client and connect to my server plus he can't start web administration commonly running on
Now I will paste here some information, that can help you solve this issue.
PC specs:
Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04
Kernel version: 4.4.0-47-generic
CPU: AMD FX-6300 (Vishera)
GPU: Sapphire HD 7770 Vapor-X OC
Network card: Realtek 8186
Browsers used: Firefox 49.0, Chrome 54.0.2840.100 (64-bit)
Output of ./sinusbot - log level 10:
___ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_ _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|
Version: 0.9.15-b20cc30
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2016/11/12 23:53:28 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2016/11/12 23:53:28 b2866323 INFO Loading instances
2016/11/12 23:53:28 b2866323 INFO Loading instance://4da0d9b5-b7b2-47ac-84d4-4f0be7dc2719
2016/11/12 23:53:28 b2866323 4da0d9b5 INFO Initialization complete
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/YTDL ] INFO youtube-dl checking...
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/YTDL ] INFO youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2016/11/12 23:53:28 [GENERAL/RADIO ] INFO RadioStation data loaded
2016/11/12 23:53:29 [GENERAL/RADIO ] INFO Imported radio stations
Output of config.ini:
TS3Path = "/opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/sinusbot/data/"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "fM0FVIi8ZBn9VMx25OMqs38nbf+JDSawYUrsjF4JCS0="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0
BufferSize = 524288
MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
CacheStreamed = false
AvatarMaxWidth = 0
AvatarMaxHeight = 0
AllowGIF = false
AllowReload = false
EnableTimer = false
Default = ""
Enable = false
UserAgent = "SinusBot (0.9.15-b20cc30)"
Enable = false
Delay = 0
Debug = false
Output of bash
- Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
- OS x64 check: OK
- Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-47-generic x86_64
- Load Average: 0.34 0.36 0.45
- Uptime: 0 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes, 0 seconds
- OS Updates: 6 (updates available!)
- OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
- OS APT Last Update: 12.11.2016 23:28:56 CET +01:00:00
- Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 755]
- DNS resolution check: -> OK
- CPU:
Architecture: x86_64
CPU(s): 6
Socket(s): 1
Model name: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
CPU MHz: 2000.000
- RAM: 4.20 GB/15.69 GB in use (26%)
- SWAP: 0 B/11.17 GB in use (0%)
- DISK: 56.59 GB/45.96 GB in use (123%)
- Package versions:
> libglib: 2.48.1-1~ubuntu16.
- Status: not running
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot (MD5 Hash: ca497448f617fc17a5bb579980a8572e)
- Version: 0.9.15-b20cc30
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
- Bot Plugin: 0b71cb8de70ec252d6f339b26c3a0e82
- TS3 Client: 0b71cb8de70ec252d6f339b26c3a0e82
- Config:
- LogLevel = 10 (debug log active)
- TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version
- YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2016.11.08.1)
- Installed scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; covatar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; showcase.js; sound.js; welcometext.js
- Report date: 13.11.2016 00:13:24 CET +01:00:00 (timezone: Europe/Prague)
- TeamSpeak 3 Version:
- youtube-dl Version: 2016.11.08.1
- DiagScript version: 0.4.6
I'll be grateful to everyone, who'll help me.
Thank You!
- Yame