• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Sinusbot Installer Script

EN Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

No permission to download
Qhiliqq aktualisierte Sinusbot Installer Script mit einem neuen Eintrag:

Debian 7 not longer supportet

### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Debian 7 wird nicht mehr unterstützt.
Bei Fehlern und Problemen bitte erst in dem Reiter Diskussion das Problem schildern und nicht gleich eine schlechte Bewertung geben, denn so kann ich euch nicht helfen.

### English ###
New version available.

  • If Debian 7 is detected => Installer quit
If you have bugs or problems use first the discuss tab and write down the problem, before you write a bad...

Weitere Informationen zur Aktualisierung...
Need help fast, please.
- Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
- OS x64 check: OK
- Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-21-generic x86_64
- Load Average: 0.00 0.07 0.05
- Uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
- OS Updates: 14 (updates available!)
- OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
- OS APT Last Update: 04.09.2016 00:20:24 CEST +02:00:00
- Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 755]
- DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
- CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                1
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             1
    Model name:            Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)
    CPU MHz:               2394.462
    Virtualization:        VT-x
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
- RAM: 79.65 MB/1.90 GB in use (4%)
- SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
- DISK: 1.76 GB/7.85 GB in use (22%)
- Package versions:
   > libglib: 2.48.1-1~ubuntu16.04.1

- Status: not running
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /opt/ts3bot/sinusbot (Hash: 731121f8516ade834d3bc3e9ebf64a4f)
- Version:
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: a27dfe2f92730b55119b69ca0dc2268d
   - TS3 Client: a27dfe2f92730b55119b69ca0dc2268d
- Config:
   - LogLevel = 10 (debug log active)
   - TS3Path = /opt/ts3bot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.0.                                          19.4)
   - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2016.06.27)
- Installed scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; cov                                          atar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; rememberChan                                          nel.js; showcase.js; sound.js; welcometext.js

- Report date: 04.09.2016 00:24:13 CEST +02:00:00 (timezone: Europe/Paris)
- TeamSpeak 3 Version:
- youtube-dl Version: 2016.06.27
- DiagScript version: 0.4.5

2016-09-04T01:01:41+02:00 < CloseListener
2016-09-04T01:01:41+02:00 > CloseListener
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 TSClient quit.
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 Closed.
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 KILL [admin] OK
Also tried another version of ts3.

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3bot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/ts3bot/data/"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
SampleInterval = 40
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "Xyeb9ybasJZ/tsbnSwLz3mjcsTI7eSRx3oCmTf2Mf2A="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0

  BufferSize = 524288
  MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
  MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
  CacheStreamed = false

  AvatarMaxWidth = 0
  AvatarMaxHeight = 0


  AllowReload = false
  EnableTimer = false

  Default = ""

  Enable = false

  UserAgent = "SinusBot ("

  Enable = false

  Delay = 0
  Debug = false
Try to change the TS3Path in the config.ini to

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3bot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64"
Need help fast, please.
- Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
- OS x64 check: OK
- Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-21-generic x86_64
- Load Average: 0.00 0.07 0.05
- Uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
- OS Updates: 14 (updates available!)
- OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
- OS APT Last Update: 04.09.2016 00:20:24 CEST +02:00:00
- Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 755]
- DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
- CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                1
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             1
    Model name:            Intel Core Processor (Haswell, no TSX)
    CPU MHz:               2394.462
    Virtualization:        VT-x
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
- RAM: 79.65 MB/1.90 GB in use (4%)
- SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
- DISK: 1.76 GB/7.85 GB in use (22%)
- Package versions:
   > libglib: 2.48.1-1~ubuntu16.04.1

- Status: not running
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /opt/ts3bot/sinusbot (Hash: 731121f8516ade834d3bc3e9ebf64a4f)
- Version:
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: a27dfe2f92730b55119b69ca0dc2268d
   - TS3 Client: a27dfe2f92730b55119b69ca0dc2268d
- Config:
   - LogLevel = 10 (debug log active)
   - TS3Path = /opt/ts3bot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.0.                                          19.4)
   - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2016.06.27)
- Installed scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; cov                                          atar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; rememberChan                                          nel.js; showcase.js; sound.js; welcometext.js

- Report date: 04.09.2016 00:24:13 CEST +02:00:00 (timezone: Europe/Paris)
- TeamSpeak 3 Version:
- youtube-dl Version: 2016.06.27
- DiagScript version: 0.4.5

2016-09-04T01:01:41+02:00 < CloseListener
2016-09-04T01:01:41+02:00 > CloseListener
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 TSClient quit.
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 Closed.
2016-09-04T01:01:40+02:00 KILL [admin] OK
Also tried another version of ts3.

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3bot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/ts3bot/data/"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
SampleInterval = 40
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "Xyeb9ybasJZ/tsbnSwLz3mjcsTI7eSRx3oCmTf2Mf2A="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0

  BufferSize = 524288
  MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
  MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
  CacheStreamed = false

  AvatarMaxWidth = 0
  AvatarMaxHeight = 0


  AllowReload = false
  EnableTimer = false

  Default = ""

  Enable = false

  UserAgent = "SinusBot ("

  Enable = false

  Delay = 0
  Debug = false

You haven't used my script.
My script install everything in /opt/sinusbot and you got ts3bot.
You have installed the bot manually, so you are in the wrong forum ;)
Re-installed and put it on Centos6, now it says again TS3 client quit...

2016-09-05T12:40:24+02:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
LogLevel = 10 in config...
Re-installed and put it on Centos6, now it says again TS3 client quit...
CentOS 6 will not work... CentOS 7 should work. Please use the latest Debian/Ubuntu if you don't have a well Linux expirence.
I have all installed on centos 6 and sinsubot was last... :(
I'll try centos 7 and spend another six hours :D
Qhiliqq aktualisierte Sinusbot Installer Script mit einem neuen Eintrag:

New version

### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Neue Installationsart hinzugefügt
    • Installation für "Experten" zur Auswahl des Installationsortes
  • Automatische Erkennung des Sinusbotusers, bei Update oder Löschen des Bots
Bei Fehlern und Problemen bitte erst in dem Reiter Diskussion das Problem schildern und nicht gleich eine schlechte Bewertung geben, denn so kann ich euch nicht helfen.

### English ###
New version available.

  • New...

Weitere Informationen zur Aktualisierung...
First no caps!
Second after succesfull installation all necessary things are shown, also password and username.
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