• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

TSClient Quit

I get this error when I try to log into my bot server. How do I fix it?

Operating System: CentOS7

2021-05-15T13:16:29+03:00 closing channels 2021-05-15T13:16:28+03:00 Closed. 2021-05-15T13:16:28+03:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details. 2021-05-15T13:16:28+03:00 Starting instance ts3server:// 2021-05-15T13:16:28+03:00 About to run. 2021-05-15T13:16:28+03:00 Prespawn.
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_   _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

Version: 1.0.0-beta.10-202ee4d
(C) 2013-2019 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f          INFO   Loading instances
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f          INFO   Loading instance://e9da1182-9da2-45                                                                                                             9e-ab5e-64efe3e2c7ae
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Spawning instance shortly due to mi                                                                                                             ssing configuration file.
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Prespawn.
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  About to run.
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   Starting instance ts3server://127.0                                                                                                             .0.1?port=9988&nickname=SinusBot&password=&channel=&channelpassword=
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  executing script sinusbot-commands
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  executing script command
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   Initialization complete
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   Auto-Starting c18ead1f-1752-4158-9b                                                                                                             cd-daa7d31e97c8/e9da1182-9da2-459e-ab5e-64efe3e2c7ae in 500 ms...
2021/05/15 10:44:01 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: L                                                                                                             GPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2021/05/15 10:44:01 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license:                                                                                                              LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2021/05/15 10:44:01 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl checking...
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 PLUGIN [sinusbot-commands:86:12] Loaded Si                                                                                                             nusBot Commands v1.0.0 by Jonas Bögle (@irgendwr).
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  registered callback for event load
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   script sinusbot-commands loaded
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  registered callback for event chat
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  module registered as command
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   script command loaded
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  resolving module command
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  imported module: command
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   TSClient quit. LogLevel has been in                                                                                                             creased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Closed.
2021/05/15 10:44:01 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Prespawn.
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  closing channels
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  About to run.
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   Starting instance ts3server://127.0                                                                                                             .0.1?port=9988&nickname=SinusBot&password=&channel=&channelpassword=
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 WARN   Fail from voice reader: read unix @                                                                                                             ->@: use of closed network connection
2021/05/15 10:44:02 read unix @->@: use of closed network connection .  138
.  508
.  514
.  489
.  532
.  2197
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 WARN   Fail from voice reader: read unix @                                                                                                             ->@: read: bad file descriptor
2021/05/15 10:44:02 read unix @->@: read: bad file descriptor .  138
.  508
.  514
.  489
.  532
.  2197
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 INFO   TSClient quit. LogLevel has been in                                                                                                             creased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2021/05/15 10:44:02 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Closed.
2021/05/15 10:44:02 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl version compatible, supp                                                                                                             ort enabled
2021/05/15 10:44:02 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch th                                                                                                             e bots from the webinterface.
2021/05/15 10:44:02 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   RadioStation data loaded
2021/05/15 10:44:03 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   Imported radio stations
2021/05/15 10:44:03 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  closing channels
2021/05/15 10:44:31 c18ead1f e9da1182 DEBUG  Storing configuration.
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