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TS3 [EOL] Auction for SConomy NG 1.0.1

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Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
[End Of Life] An auction system for SConomy NG (v1.0).

Place the script into sinusbot script folder and restart the bot. After that, you can configure it like every script (in the web interface).

Note: the SConomy NG script has to use the public storage provider.

Features (with a lot of options):
  • Create auctions with SConomy NG currency
  • Customizable commands
  • Customizable messages
  • Comprehensive auction creation process (every auction has its own parameters)
  • Multiple auction type: ServerGroup or Text message (for paysafecard, for example)
  • Multiple auction visibility modes: blind / blind but name / blind but price / visible
  • Message every user when an auction starts
  • Following system that let following users know when a new bid is made
  • Reminder before an auction ends
  • Support of offline users (they get reward / group removed on next connection)
  • Users can over-bid themself
  • Limit creation to admins
  • Forbid groups to be sold by auction
  • Log auctions in channel description
  • Limit per-user auction creation
  • Many other small options like fees, penality, minimum duration...

Default command list:
* !aucview
=> Display the current auction​
* !bid <auction ID> <amount>
=> Bid over an auction​
* !aucfollow <auction ID>
=> Follow an auction​
* !aucunfollow <auction ID>
=> Unfollow an auction​
* !auccreation
=> Create an auction
(note: don't add the options to the command at every creation step, only one is asked at the time)​
* !aucremove
=> Admin ONLY: Remove an auction auction

Note: the '<' and '>' symbols are here to show a variable, don't use them in commands.
Example (it's in French, but you should understand the logic behing the commands) :

Needed permissions:
i_client_private_textmessage_power (for communication)
i_group_member_add_power (for auction winner)
i_group_member_remove_power (for auction seller)
i_client_permission_modify_power (for servergroup modification)
b_channel_modify_description (for history)
b_client_server_textmessage_send (for global announcements)
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    Fix: The date is properly displayed after a reload Fix: save on bid Fix: blind auction could...
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