- Required SinusBot Version
- 0.13.0
- Compatible Backends
- TeamSpeak 3
Relies on SConomy NG.
[End Of Life] This plugin adds an extended store to SConomy NG (1.1).
Default commands:
Admin only commands:
Will create a gift code that gives 42 coins and can be used by an infinite number of users.
Redeems the 42 coins.
Create the text item: a 42€ Amazon code sold for 4096 coins. This item will be destroyed after 1 user buy it.
Redeems the first text item (here, it can be the Amazon code).
Needed permissions:
i_client_private_textmessage_power (for communication).
b_channel_modify_description (for store history).
[End Of Life] This plugin adds an extended store to SConomy NG (1.1).
Place the script into sinusbot script folder and restart the bot. After that, you can configure it like every script (in the web interface).
Note: the SConomy NG script has to use the public storage provider.
Note: the SConomy NG script has to use the public storage provider.
- Create gift codes
- Create text items for the store (same as group store from SConomy NG) [for paysafecard, maybe?]
- Set a limited number of gift codes / text items
- Fully customizable (including messages)
- Possibility to disable the store or the gift codes (or both... but, what for?)
Default commands:
!gift <gift code>
=> Use the gift code (Note: one gift / user)
- !textstore
=> Show the extended text store
- !textbuy <ID>
=> Buy a text item
Admin only commands:
=> Show the full list of the gift codes
- !giftcreation <code-without-space> <reward-amount> <quantity [-1 = unlimited]>
=> Create a new gift code
- !giftdeletion <code-without-space>
=> Removes the gift code
- !textcreation <name-without-spaces> <price> <quantity [-1 = unlimited]> "<text to be sold, between quotes>"
=> Create a new text item in the text store
- !textdeletion <ID>
=> Removes the text item from the store
!giftcreation WELCOMECODE 42 -1
Will create a gift code that gives 42 coins and can be used by an infinite number of users.
Redeems the 42 coins.
!textcreation Amazon_42€ 4096 1 "your Amazon 42€ code is: BLABLABLA"
Create the text item: a 42€ Amazon code sold for 4096 coins. This item will be destroyed after 1 user buy it.
!textbuy 0
Redeems the first text item (here, it can be the Amazon code).
Needed permissions:
i_client_private_textmessage_power (for communication).
b_channel_modify_description (for store history).