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TS3 [EOL] Upgrade store for SConomy NG 0.1

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
[End Of Life] The aim of the plugin is to add to SConomy NG a store that has a unique item. But that unique item can be upgraded!

  • Upgrade servergroups
  • Customizable commands
  • Customizable messages
  • Set required groups to access the store

Default command list:
* !upgrade
=> Upgrade the item​
* !viewupgrade
=> Display the name and price of the next upgrade​

Warning: this is a personnal usage script, I only posted here because I know you have some fun ideas and you could be interrested in playing with it.
This means that I didn't check further to make in bug-free or for everyone usage.

Needed permissions:
i_client_private_textmessage_power (for communication)
i_group_member_add_power (for bought servergroups)
i_group_member_remove_power (for refund of servergroups)
i_client_permission_modify_power (for bought / refund of servergroups)
First release
Last update


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