• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Little-Helpers: Get Channel-ID

TS3 Little-Helpers: Get Channel-ID 1.0.1

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
📜 Swift help while creating scripts!

Required SinusBot version: 1.0
👉 Your bot will respond to every move with a message containing the channel ID.

❗ No options to configure.
No claim to be completed:

👉 i_client_private_textmessage_power

Trivial requirements:

👉 i_client_max_channel_subscriptions
👉 i_channel_subscribe_power

✅ If you like the script or it proved beneficial for you, I'd be glad about a rating.​
❌ If you're having trouble or miss a feature, please post in the Discussion section.​
🏆 Providing the full log with possible errors - pasted on PASTEBIN - makes you a true-blue hero!​

Use at your own risk! Despiting being well tested, I cannot guarantee the non-existence of flaws in the script, with the aftereffect of data loss. Always have a backup! ;)

First release
Last update


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