Most youtube music videos are in one of the following formats:
- Wilkinson - Half Light ft. Tom
- Metallica "Fade To Black"
- Knife Party '404'
The YouTube channel name is usually never related to the song. In the first example, Half Light, by Wilkinson, was uploaded by WilkinsonVEVO.
Channel names are very limited (no spaces, special characters, very short length, etc.) and this means even if you could guarantee that every video was from VEVO, you'd still get bad names.
NowPlaying v0.3 is now smart enough to realise this and match tags accordingly. If the tag isn't in the format above, it is forced to assume the entire video title is the song title - the only way to fix this would be to lookup track information on a database (like and is pretty unnecessary.
I am currently working on a queue display - this will show the queued songs and parse them in the same way that NowPlaying currently does.
For example, if you queued 5 songs, and you set the max. queue display to 4, the next 4 songs would be displayed as channels:
* 1 * Wilkinson - Half Light ft. Tom
* 2 * Metallica - Fade To Black
* 3 * Knife Party - 404
As the queue moved on, the display would update as necessary.