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Simple Channel Notifications

TS3 Simple Channel Notifications 0.2.3

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Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
Simple Channel Notifications

This script notifies configured support server groups when a client enters a specified channel. It allows you to configure as many channels as you wish and has an option to ignore certain server groups.

channel notifications.jpg

Simple Channel Notifications is directly inspired by Zento's ZTSupport script. It has been completely rewritten from scratch for better performance and the ability to configure multiple channels.

Feel free to use the discussion section if you have any questions.
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Minor Bugfix

    Fixed: Race condition during script initialization
  2. Minor Bugfix

    Fixed: Null pointer exception during removal of disconnecting clients
  3. Minor Bugfix

    Fixed: Null pointer reference error where a supporter disconnected without being removed from...
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