• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Xuxe

    Licence bots can't connect (mount directory with nfs)

    Hi, as already said in the last topic, we don't support NFS/SSHFS. It isn't a bot issue. This is a question for a linux forum and not for sinusbot. Any way just a little recommendation, please don't use NFS over insecure connections without VPN for critical data. It is not encrypted. Back...
  2. Xuxe

    SinusBot for Windows (64bit)

    We never provide 32 Bit versions both for linux and windows. Only 64 Bit.
  3. Xuxe

    Nach privat.dat install geht nix :c

    Hi, einmal bitte: apt-get install ca-certificates && update-ca-certificates versuchen (als Root) !
  4. Xuxe

    Multiple servers with extended license

    Not yet. And we have no eta when.
  5. Xuxe

    Multiple servers with extended license

    As already said:
  6. Xuxe

    Webinterface funktioniert nicht

    Hi, nutzt du davor Cloudflare oder einen eigenen Reverse Proxy? OS: Windows / Linux - Was nun? ^^ Das Post Template darf man auch ausfüllen.
  7. Xuxe

    Soundsboard 3.1b1 for linux

    Hi, The Code is not available and we dont plan to Opensource something. Afaik the Plugin still gets Updates, but flyth is busy at the moment, also the Process for Teamspeak plugins has changed. It needs some time to look at this ;) Mean while you may checkout the sinusbot? :p
  8. Xuxe

    Sinusbot not receiving messages on teamspeak instance.

    What do you try to archive? From your logs, the bot receives the message. Try to use a valid command, then the Bot will respond e.g "!help" or "!info" there is a list of commands located at the webinterface. This sounds normal for me, this should not stop the bot from playing music, if i...
  9. Xuxe

    Sinusbot not receiving messages on teamspeak instance.

    Sounds like your instance is stucking or your server has permission problems. Do you have tried to restart the bot and grant him Server Admin access for testing porposes?
  10. Xuxe

    Problem for the account

    Hi, at Window just click the Icon in your Taskbar. There should be a sinusbot icon, just double click it. The login there has nothing to do with your Forum account here.
  11. Xuxe

    Bug Discord-instance keep disconnecting and won't play any music

    hi, WE NEVER, allowed some one to host except the TS-Coach and Ts3Index both hosters are testing the software for us! We do nothing? We help where we can! Updates? There are many updates, but the updates are internal, it needs time before we make it public. Or you want another buggy version...
  12. Xuxe

    Bug Discord-instance keep disconnecting and won't play any music

    Wow very nice from you! Thank you! :)
  13. Xuxe

    Multiple servers with extended license

    I don't agree, the extended licenses are thought for communitys. Not more and not less a community normally requires only one server so it isn't useless in any way. :P
  14. Xuxe

    Multiple servers with extended license

    Hi, the licenses are bound to a combination of IP/PORT und UID. You can only use it on one server, we also only provide licenses for one Server. I'd like to remind you here: The Licenses are only for non profit and personal usage!
  15. Xuxe

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Es ist nen Bug, das Installer Script installiert das init.d script und versucht systemctl (Systemd zu reloaden?) - Makes no sense. Entweder ist das System im Eimer, selbst wenn wird dann im Script irgendwo was nicht sauber gecheckt wenn die conditions auftreten das init.d installiert und systemd...
  16. Xuxe

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Hi, entweder ist es nen Bug im Installer Script oder ein System ist komisch/hin. Ich tagge mal @Qhiliqq und sag ihm bescheid :P Du gibst uns bitte in der zwischen Zeit paar Infos zu deinem Systen (Hardware, Betriebssystem inkl. Version, Virtualisierung).
  17. Xuxe

    Licence bots can"t connect (mount directory with sshfs)

    Never used SSHFS my self, but AFAIK from NFS you have to set the user uid/gid in your mount settings. We also do not support SSHFS, this is your part to get the know how with it. https://serverfault.com/questions/736523/sshfs-permission-denied-even-for-root-user /Closed
  18. Xuxe

    Solved Bot startet nicht mehr und Deinstallation nicht möglich

    Da du unter Linux unterwegs bist wurde der Prozess nicht beendet. Bei Linux ist es so, du bist in der Lage eine Binary (.exe @Win) zu löschen welche noch ausgeführt wird. Das ist bei dir wohl der fall, suche den Prozess vom Bot oder Reboote deinen Server einmal dann ist der Prozess auch weg.
  19. Xuxe

    Lagging Sound

    Kommt ganz drauf an was du sonst noch so drauf laufen hast: Aber für SQL/Webseiten würden denke ich Cloud Server wie hier reichen: https://www.ovh.de/virtual_server/ Für den Bot reichen auch die kleinen SSD Server: https://www.ovh.de/virtual_server/vps-ssd.xml Alternativ wenn es was in...
  20. Xuxe

    Lagging Sound

    Ah Ok, danke fuer die Infos. Meine Vermutung: Billig Hoster der seine Server massiv überläd wie leider so oft praktiziert, dazu noch mit alter Software. Spricht was dagegen direkt zu OVH zu gehen?