• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. C

    How to get SSL Certificate for my Sinusbot Webinterface

    Hello! I have a sinusbot running on a ubuntu vps. i am also using reverse proxy with nginx so i can access the sinubot with my own subdomain. Works good. I used this guide: https://sinusbot.github.io/docs/reverse-proxy/nginx/ I used the only http method without SSL but i would like to upgrade...
  2. Sorienrot

    Solved Can you access the sinusbot web files?

    I ask this because I have created a subdomain to avoid using the port in the url. I have done all this from Apache with an alias and dns registration. Subdomain: sinusbot.xxxxx.es >>> xxxx.es:8087 The problem arises is that I want to use the https and to create the certificate I need to put a...
  3. D

    SSL Key und Cert

    Moin, ich komme einfach nicht weiter... Den Bot habe ich ohne Weiteres eingerichtet bekommen, er arbeitet auch problemlos. Ich bin jedoch derzeit daran alle Domains auf meinem Root auf Https umzustellen, doch bei dem Sinusbot verzweifel ich nur noch.... Ich habe in der config.ini folgendes...
  4. Domekologe

    Solved SSL not working after update

    Hello all, at first my english is not so good, but I prefer this forum instead of the german part (this part is more active). I had the problem yesterday, the bot says "You are running on an outdated version", so I make an update with the installer script. After that, the bot works, but I...
  5. SpinningPlays


    Hello, i need some help with the bot. I didn't found a good tutorial so i hope you can give me a tutorial. With Best Regards
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