• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Online Clients Record [+POPULATION STATISTICS] 2.3.0

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. ALWAYS USE THE LATEST VERSION OF SINUSBOT! Idea: @DrWarpMan Author: @DrWarpMan Github: https://github.com/DrWarpMan/sinusbot-scripts Online Clients Record Show the most online clients record in a channel name or a topic...
  2. TwentyFour

    TS3/Discord Slim-Online-Sheriff 1.0.5

    📜 Need to overcome the sheriff to stay disconnected! requested by @olokos Required SinusBot version: 1.0 👉 Your bot tries to keep online at all cost, either just on a restart, or checking back periodically every minute for max. uptime. 👉 Works for both, TeamSpeak and Discord 👉 The...
  3. Kamikaze

    Feature Request | Client Online

    I'm not sure but I think I couldn't find any similar. Would be nice if there is a function like Client.isOnline() which returns a boolean. Yes you can do loopy-loops through the Server and compare client with all online clients, but just a simple function would be nice. Because as example...
  4. kapabac

    WG servers players online 1.1

    Hi, all! :cool: For a long time, someone asked about this script. WG gaming (WoT, WoWS, WoTBlitz) servers online status and the number of players on them in the name of selected channels. On a choice four locations RU/EU/NA/ASIA. Below, for example is a screenshot of the possible decoration...
  5. Lambofan

    [GER] Bot reagiert auf Chatnachrichten nicht mehr.

    Hallo, ich habe auf meinem vServer einen Sinusbot Installiert. Er arbeitet soweit gut, aber wenn er ca. 3 Tage am stück Online ist reagiert er auf Chatnachrichten nicht mehr. Es liegt nicht an den Scripts da !info auch nicht geht. Ist bisschen nervig aber sonst geht alles Super. Lg Niklas
  6. kapabac

    WoWS server online status 2.1

    All peace and good! :) I present to you a simple script made on request of the user forum Itow and the qualified support of two respected members of this forum Xuxe and maxibanki. A script displays with a certain interval in the selected channel name, status of the gameserver and the number of...
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