• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. D

    EN Clients rights while playing music

    Hello I would like that while a piece of music is played via the bot, the talk power is withdrawn from the users. After completion, the rights should be given back. Does anyone know how I can implement this?
  2. syscaller

    [Bug] default values in Script config only works in the first layer

    Sinusbot-Version: v1.0.0-beta.10-202ee4d The sinusbot-commands.js v1.0.0 has implemented the feature of default values for the config of a script. However, this feature only works fine in the first layer: vars: [ { name: 'createSuccessReaction', title: 'Add a reaction to...
  3. DalexHDYTB

    EN Access last_connected client property.

    Is there any way to access the last connected client property via scripting api? This is the property I want to get, https://github.com/Multivit4min/TS3-NodeJS-Library/blob/d40fbc004b59138e486f18ee47aa7ce25393f868/src/node/Client.ts#L117. And this is where this property should be available, I...
  4. TwentyFour

    TS3 Little-Helpers: Get Channel-ID 1.0.1

    📜 Swift help while creating scripts! Required SinusBot version: 1.0 👉 Your bot will respond to every move with a message containing the channel ID. ✅ If you like the script or it proved beneficial for you, I'd be glad about a rating. ❌ If you're having trouble or miss a feature...
  5. Multivitamin

    EN TYPESCRIPT with Sinusbot

    This is a guide for people who are interested to write sinusbot scripts with typescript. AS A SIDE NOTE: Typescript typings are still under development and not 100% finnished you can get the typings from a seperate branch from the scripting-docs repo on github...
  6. vincolus

    DE Nutzung des Sinusbot Web-API Audio Stream / usage of sinusbot web-api audio stream

    Ich weiß, dass das früher mal geklappt hat, aber nun bekomme ich immer einen Fehler 401, wenn ich versuche, auf den OGG-Opus-Enkodierten Audio-Stream mittels Web-API zuzugreifen. Ich versuche es folgendermaßen: 1.) Ich hole mir einen Token für den Webstream wie hier beschrieben...
  7. Nisutec

    DE Datenbank Frage

    Wie kann ich überprüfen ob eine uuid nicht in einer Datenbank ist. Dieser code zeigt mir nur was an wenn die SQL Quarry was finden kann. Kann man sich denn Inhalt von res irgendwie ausgeben so das man das verwerten kann. if (dbc) dbc.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uuid = '%n'".replace(/%n/g...
  8. Kamikaze

    EN Custom Webinterface

    Hey, I want to create a custom Webinterface for SinusBot, where you can control the Bot, see all Files & Playlists and play them, also with an Webstream etc. What's the best way to do this? Via an Script like the Youtube-Webinterface and Scripting Api or with Sinusbot Class PHP ? Which one is...
  9. I

    Solved [Scripting/HTTP API] Getting YouTube URL of a cached video.

    SinusBot Version: 0.14.0-be7bbc4 OS: Linux Unbuntu 16.04.4 Hello, Was hoping if anyone could shine some light on an issue I've been having with both APIs. When obtaining track info through either the scripting or HTTP API, it's possible to get the URL of a YouTube video using the following...
  10. Kamikaze

    DE [Solved]User von ServerGruppe auslesen

    Hallou! Schreibe aktuell wieder ein Skript bei dem user die in einer bestimmten Servergruppe einen definierten channel joinen eine nachricht bekommen. dies ist ja kein problem, nun möchte ich aber hinzufügen, das wenn so ein client joint das user aus bestimmten servergruppen eine nachricht...
  11. I

    Retrieve needed talk power

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.10.8-71ba94b TS3 Version: Feature Request: It would be great to be able to retrieve the needed talk power for a given channel. Currently it's only possible to set the needed talk power via 'Channel.update()' or 'Backend.createChannel()'...
  12. Erik444

    Solved help with coding script

    how to make !command [optional argument] i have this if(ev.msg == '!abrazo' && ' ') { var msg = config.message; msg = msg.replace('%n', ev.clientNick); msg = msg.replace('%r'...
  13. Jonathan Ende

    DE [REQUEST] script umschreiben

    Hallo, kann mir jemand das Script "Now Playing" umschreiben? Seit der neuen ScriptingEngine funktioniert es nicht mehr, der Entwickler scheint inaktiv zu sein. Ich würde mich freuen :-) Mfg Jonathan
  14. B

    EN Need some help in developing my script

    Hello, I am pretty new to javaScript and any kind of programming and just started some tutorials, because i wanna learn how to write own scripts. At the moment i am trying to write a script that does the following: If a user joins a specific channel ( for expample searching for Cs:Go mates) the...
  15. K

    Discord suport?

    Betriebssystem: Linux Debian 8 SinusBot Version: 0.9.16 TS3 Version: Problembeschreibung Und gibt es für Discord scripts, dass der Sinusbot zum Beispiel in einen bestimmten channel wechselt, wenn niemand sonst im selben channel ist? Und kann man man dem Sinusbot ein Spiel simulieren dass man...
  16. O

    EN [Request] Poke everyone with specific Servergroup periodically

    Hey Guys, Im sorry for this dumb Question, but could anyone develop me a small script, where you can set a Servergroup & an interval in that everyone with that group gets poked ? It should be very simple, but i dont have enough time to learn the needed JavaScript :( Well, Thank you in advance...
  17. flyth

    Updates to the Scripting Engine

    With the upcoming version 0.9.16, both Windows & Linux will get all functionality of the new scripting engine that some of you might not have heard of yet at all. The new engine generalizes many things so that they are compatible with more backends (Discord for example), more easy to understand...
  18. Joel Smith

    EN Using node modules in scripts.

    With the "newly" added scripting it looks like we're using node in some way. I was thinking if it is possible to use node modules in my scripts to connect to a database or to access the filesystem for example. Could it be possible just to "npm init" inside of the sinusbot root directory or the...
  19. D

    adding UID to scripts?

    So I'm new to this and want to add UIDS so scripts but I have no Idea where they go or how they must beformatted this is how most scripts look. Clarifcation will be nice. ids: { title: 'Client Unique Ids (Comma seperated):', type: 'string' },
  20. Slama

    Feature Script events idea

    Hello, I would to ask you if you can add the following event to the scripting engine: clientBan - This event will be triggered when someone was banned from the server. { "msg": optional_reason, "client": { "clientId": idOfBannedClient, "clientNick": nickOfBannedClient...
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