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EN Database via sinusbot code

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Hey guys, i've got a little problem.
<code>if (dbc) dbc.exec("INSERT INTO TOP (Nick, Uid, Ilsoc_Polaczen) VALUES ('qwe', 'zcx', 2)");</code>
it works but i want to have a variables instead of 'qwe' 'zcx' and 2.
ive tried this
<code>if (dbc) dbc.exec("INSERT INTO TOP (Nick, Uid, Ilsoc_Polaczen) VALUES ("+Nick+","+Uid"," + Connection_count+")");</code>
but it didnt work. Thanks!
Never ever use variables directly in the query string, as it potentially leads to SQL injection. Instead, use something like that:
dbc.exec('INSERT INTO TOP (Nick, Uid, Ilsoc_Placzen) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', Nick, Uid, Connection_count);
Never ever use variables directly in the query string, as it potentially leads to SQL injection. Instead, use something like that:
dbc.exec('INSERT INTO TOP (Nick, Uid, Ilsoc_Placzen) VALUES (?, ?, ?)', Nick, Uid, Connection_count);
That's prepared statements, right? And the last 3 are the actual values in that statement (nick, uid, connection_count for the ex)?
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