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No Radios

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Operating System: Linux
SinusBot Version: 0.11.0 (newest)
TS3 Version: 3.1.6 (client) and (server)

Problem Description
There are simple no radio programs. If i go to the Radio-Tab, i only get the text "Nothing found."
YTDownloader and playing music does work normally, so i dont think it's a firewall/internet-connection problem.
Is the API (xiph.org) the guilty one?

There are no errors in the instance-log and bot-log.


Did you just install the bot? As I had to re-install the bot due to a VPS error that resulted in a restoring a backup that was before the bot installation.

Thing is, the Radio tab had all the radios before the re-installation, maybe the API is broken?

I just installed the new version and i didn't upload any backup(s). I also did a reinstall from my vServer, so i dont think there is any incompatibility (debian 8.0, also all dependencies)

Yeah, i had all radios before the re-installation, so i think the API or something with the new version is broken.

(please write in german language if you are german ;D)

Yep I suspect it's either the new version or the API has broke itself, wouldn't be a problem if I could figure out how to get a radio streams direct url/ip thing.

I am running:
OS: Linux - CentOS 7
SinusBot Version: 0.11.0-8e5f1a2
TS3 Client: 3.1.6
TS3 Server:

So I doubt it is an isolated issue with just your system.

i dont think it is a problem from my server. As i said, it worked well everytime after a reinstall of my OS. it happend the first the after many reinstalls, so i think it isnt my fault.
The log also doesn't say anything what could help me.. :/

do you gut any more solutions?
could i check if the API is down?


I've got no clue, think we just have to wait for a fix or something, as I said, it worked for before, which was an installation a few days ago but my VPS stuffed up today and had to re-install the Bot and now it is doing this 'Nothing Found' problem.

I will keep searching to see how to get a radio streams direct IP thing, at least that way we can add the radio's we want directly until this is fixed.

ahhh okey, you got the same problem. i just thought i'm the only one.^^

Yes, i added some radio streams with the URL, so i atleast have some of them.

Hope they release a update as soon as possible, im waiting yearningly for it.
I like to try out some radios.^^


Yep much easier when a heap of radio streams are already added :p

Also, how did you add some radio streams? Did you have to look for a specific url? as many I try do not work :(

EDIT* Managed to get one to work : http://listen.radionomy.com/-top20-radio : was the main one I was using in the radio stream list due to not being able to add the one I want.

google as example: "iloveradio stream url"

From this found websites, there is always a site who display the stream url.


Yeah that's how I managed to find the one I found, Had to go to a specific URL and then inspect it to find url.

I've tried this with the one I want to add, even tried inspecting, but I suspect they have it set up so you can't "steal" the link, oh well this one will do :)

Let's hope they fix this bug soon so we can get other radio streams easily.
Could you please check the log for messages containing GENERAL/RADIO and whether there's a radio.json inside your data directory?
Hey flyth,

Just checked the directory of the sinusbot and I could not locate any radio.json, I did a search as well and found nothing.

As for the log, I set it to 10 (not sure if I was suppose to do this) and there's nothing saying GENERAL/RADIO.

I am guessing it's because there is no radio.json.

Note: I used the auto installer by Qhiliqq, could it be due to his install script?
Okay, strange. I'll have a closer look. Thanks for reporting!

@flyth, there is really no radio.json, i checked it too and i didnt find this file.
I can check later, if there is any message in the log containing GENERAL/RADIO, but at the last time (i checked yesterday evening), there was nothing about this keyword(s).
Could i just insert this file from an older download of sinusbot?

@KosmicReeds, i installed the musicbot without an installer.

It's a problem with the original XML, I'll contact them about it.
For the time being, you can add/replace this to your config.ini:

URL = "https://www.sinusbot.com/yp.xml"

Note, that I will remove it once the original service will work again. Then you should remove that lines again as well.
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Thanks, @flyth! It's working right now.
Radios are getting displayed!

Will you update the SinusBot-Beta or how do you announce the fix for the radios, so i can punctual remove the line/url?

I'll try to post here once it can be removed, hopefully soon.
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