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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Sinusbot Installer Script

EN Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

No permission to download
Ich hab ein Problem :/

Ich hab den Sinusbot gestern mit hilfe deines Scripts bei mir neu aufgesetzt jedoch funktioniert nun die YT-DL Funktion nicht mehr hast du da irgendein tipp für mich?

Hattest du den YT-DL vorher schonmal installiert?
Schau auch mal in der Config des Bots, welcher Pfad dort als YT-DL eingetragen ist und schau ob sich in diesem Ordner die Datei "youtube-dl" befindet.
Sorry für das späte melden.

Dank für den Tipp,
der Pfad war "/usr/local/bin" und dort war keine Youtube-DL.

Deswegen habe ich diese dann selber gedownloadet und jetzt klappt es :)
Ich habe Ein Problem er gibt mir diesen Error aus Screen:
Das heißt, dass dein System mit einer i686 Architektur arbeitet (also 32bit) und dafür kein TeamSpeak Client existiert.
TeamSpeak nutzt amd64, wodurch die Fehlermeldung bei dir erscheint.

=> Du kannst den Bot nicht auf deinem System installieren.
Qhiliqq aktualisierte Sinusbot Installer Script mit einem neuen Eintrag:

Many changes

### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • Installationsschritte verändert
  • Update und Remove Funktion hinzugefügt
  • Doppelte abfrage des Systems um evtl. Plesk Probleme zu beheben
Bei Fehlern und Problemen bitte erst in dem Reiter Diskussion das Problem schildern und nicht gleich eine schlechte Bewertung geben, denn so kann ich euch nicht helfen.

### English ###
New version available.

  • Installationprogress changed
  • Inkluded update and...

Weitere Informationen zur Aktualisierung...
Thanks for this script. It saves me a lot of time when installing.
To get youtube-dl installing properly I had to change a few lines of code though.

15 MD5_REMOTE="https://yt-dl.org/latest/MD5SUMS"
16 YT_DL_REMOTE="https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl"

121 curl -s ${MD5_REMOTE} -o /tmp/yt-dl.md5
150 curl -s ${YT_DL_REMOTE} -o ${YT_DL_PATH}

Thanks. But if you use https://yt-dl.org/latest/MD5SUMS or https://yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/MD5SUMS this doesn't change anything ;) Both are ok for downloading.
Curl problem fixed in newer Version :)

Thanks for this script. It saves me a lot of time when installing.
To get youtube-dl installing properly I had to change a few lines of code though.

15 MD5_REMOTE="https://yt-dl.org/latest/MD5SUMS"
16 YT_DL_REMOTE="https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl"

121 curl -s ${MD5_REMOTE} -o /tmp/yt-dl.md5
150 curl -s ${YT_DL_REMOTE} -o ${YT_DL_PATH}

Its me again.
Tested the whole thing again and found out that yt-dl changed there download ways...

Your solution with changing the download url was right.
Excuse me for my mistake.

Next version should fix that thou.
Hello, I have 2 questions...
The fist is: Does sinusbot youtube-dl keeps the songs? Becouse I see the space raising up and is warning me up!
The second is: I installed the sinusbot with your script, but I did it in a rush, It all went well and it's UP, no problem, but my question is, does the sinusbot automaticly starts when the Server reboots?

Yes of course :)

Commands are:
!yt herethelink - this will stream the YouTube song
!ytdl herethelink - this will download and stream the Song


First of all, thanks for the fast answer! Second, I don'tthink I understood, What I was asking is if the bot stores the music that we give him to play with !yt <URL>, and if so, how can I stop this and make the bot download the music, play it and the erase it? Or is there any way of deleting the songs stored?
First of all, thanks for the fast answer! Second, I don'tthink I understood, What I was asking is if the bot stores the music that we give him to play with !yt <URL>, and if so, how can I stop this and make the bot download the music, play it and the erase it? Or is there any way of deleting the songs stored?
Yes in the Webinterface you can delete them :)
Yes I know but In the interface I don't have anything, so why do I see the ocupated space raising up every time we give the bot !yt commands?
Just HDD! I have a VPS dedicated to the sinusbot, so there are not any other reasons why the ocupated HDD space should go UP!
Okay, yes this is normal, because the Bot download the song and after playing it he will remove the song.
!ytdl instead download and doesn't delete it
Hummm, ok, thanks, and in the case I want to delete the songs stored directly on the files, where are they stored? As I said I didn't paid to mutch attention to the instalation progress!

And one last question, when you update the script should I run it again on the server as UPDATE right?
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