• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Solved TSClient Quit

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Operating System: Ubuntu
SinusBot Version: latest
TS3 Version: latest

Problem Description
TSClient Quit

diagSinusbot Output:
 - Operating System: Ubuntu 16.10
 - OS x64 check: OK
 - Kernel: Linux 4.8.0-34-generic x86_64
 - Load Average: 0.14 0.37 0.38
 - Uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes, 59 seconds
 - OS Updates: 0 (well done!)
 - OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
 - OS APT Last Update: 19.01.2017 14:54:51 CET +01:00:00
 - Bot Start Script: not found
 - DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
 - CPU:
  Architecture:  x86_64
  CPU(s):  2
  Thread(s) per core:  1
  Core(s) per socket:  2
  Socket(s):  1
  Model name:  Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU  6700  @ 2.66GHz
  CPU MHz:  2128.000
  Virtualization:  VT-x
 - RAM: 1.41 GB/3.85 GB in use (36%)
 - SWAP: 0 B/3.99 GB in use (0%)
 - DISK: 6.35 GB/641.62 GB in use (0%)
 - Package versions:
  > libglib: 2.50.0-12.50.0-1

 - Status: running (PIDs: 3153 3152 1063 996, User: root)
 - Webinterface: port locally not reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot (MD5 Hash: 0005c8c289b99913844c9f761dbb50e9)
 - Version: 0.9.16-10f0fad
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
  - Bot Plugin: 28b54596e19937601df973b709aa0667
  - TS3 Client: 28b54596e19937601df973b709aa0667
 - Config:
  - LogLevel = 3
  - TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version
  - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2017.01.18)
 - Installed scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; covatar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; showcase.js; sound.js; welcometext.js

 - Report date: 19.01.2017 16:46:39 CET +01:00:00 (timezone: Europe/Rome)
 - TeamSpeak 3 Version:
 - youtube-dl Version: 2017.01.18
 - DiagScript version: 0.4.6

TS3Path = "/opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/sinusbot/data/"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 3
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "wYFlVQdC/QLXQZBW7T+MEHOqGONC4fXwBICj+hrjZ08="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0

  BufferSize = 524288
  MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
  MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
  CacheStreamed = false

  AvatarMaxWidth = 0
  AvatarMaxHeight = 0
  AllowGIF = false


  AllowReload = false
  EnableTimer = false

  Default = ""

  Enable = false

  UserAgent = "SinusBot (0.9.16-10f0fad)"

  Enable = false

  Delay = 0
  Debug = false

The bot is hosted in my PC so i dont use IPtables

I have installed everything today by the installer script

Sorry for my grammar but im italian

Sorry for the missing special characters but my keyboard dont have them :c
Can you provide us Logs with LogLevel 10 or more?
Can you provide us Logs with LogLevel 10 or more?

knocks@knocks-Fisso:/opt/sinusbot$ ./sinusbot
 ___ ___ _  _ _  _ ___ ___  ___ _____  BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_  _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |  
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|  

Version: 0.9.16-10f0fad
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO  Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2017/01/19 21:38:16 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e  INFO  Loading instances
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e  INFO  Loading instance://8ccc4660-ca04-48fc-a112-0f1d315bba8f
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  Spawning instance shortly due to missing configuration file.
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 INFO  Initialization complete
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO  FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO  FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2017/01/19 21:38:16 [GENERAL/YTDL  ] INFO  youtube-dl checking...
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 INFO  Starting instance ts3server://
2017/01/19 21:38:16 X [MAIN] New connection
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  TS>Could not initialize GLX
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  Closed.
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 INFO  TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2017/01/19 21:38:17 [GENERAL/YTDL  ] INFO  youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2017/01/19 21:38:17 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2017/01/19 21:38:17 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO  RadioStation data loaded
2017/01/19 21:38:18 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO  Imported radio stations
2017/01/19 21:38:29 X [MAIN] New connection
2017/01/19 21:38:45 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  Storing configuration.
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 INFO  Starting instance ts3server://
2017/01/19 21:38:16 X [MAIN] New connection
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  TS>Could not initialize GLX
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  Closed.

I think you use the new 3.1-Client (API 21) but the current Sinusbot will only work with client version <= (API 20).

Use the following link to download the old client:
2017/01/19 21:38:16 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 INFO  Starting instance ts3server://
2017/01/19 21:38:16 X [MAIN] New connection
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  TS>Could not initialize GLX
2017/01/19 21:38:17 c91a7a7e 8ccc4660 DEBUG  Closed.

I think you use the new 3.1-Client (API 21) but the current Sinusbot will only work with client version <= (API 20).

Use the following link to download the old client:

Now it says this:

knocks@knocks-Fisso:/opt/sinusbot$ ./sinusbot
Library not found.
Sanity checks failed, unable to run. Please read the installation-guide carefully and contact support if necessary.
Library not found.
You need to copy the plugin from /plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so into the plugins folder of your teamspeak client
=> In my example
cp plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/plugins/
You need to copy the plugin from /plugins/libsoundbot_plugin.so into the plugins folder of your teamspeak client
=> In my example
cp plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/plugins/

Ok, it WORKS!!

Thanks a lot for helping me!
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Bei TS3 Cloud supporten wir nicht weiter.
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