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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
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TS3 SConomy NG - Simple Currency System 1.8.2

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Warning: "Store command output [Body]" "%c"'s meaning changed and need to be reconfigured in settings
Fix: user could sell a non-soldable group
Fix: store not working on (very) big stores

New: the !sell command can now be configured to make user pay to get their group removed (per-group configuration)

=> Settings added
Here is the changelog:

Fix: Crash on non-configured sales groups
Fix: Crash on !store command if a servergroups was created and added after the bot connects
Fix: admins !addmoney and !removemoney don't show null when the user doesn't exist
Improved: user can add more than one space between command and arguments
Improved: Client can be specified via client URL, UID or nicknames (for commands that need username in parameter)
Added: help command
Added: donations between users [disabled by default] (fees can be applied and restriction to connected users too)
Added: possibility to see at any given distance after the comma (5.48 coins)

=> Settings added
Fix: The generated amount (of coins) per tick can be wrong in the user command output.
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Reactions: Kumare and Mich3l
What's new in the 1.3 release?

- A user can sell groups (if an explicit sold price for that group has been set in the settings) [need i_group_member_remove_power]
- More strings are now customizable such as store command output or admin commands outputs
- A group number limitation can be performed (all groups or only the one which can be purchased)
- Setting to allow user to buy something twice (therefor losing money)
- The user can see how much coins he get at the end of a cycle with the !money command (if the progress view is enabled)
- Little settings grouping in order to make it more readable
- Admin only: adding two commands: '!addmoney' and '!removemoney' to change user wallet more easily

I hope you'll enjoy this release

=> Settings added
Added !setallmoney command to set all users wallets

=> Settings added
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Reactions: Kumare
- Ignore channels (such as AFK)
- Commands
- Customizable commands
- Customizable messages (in the preferences)
- Admin groups can manage wallets (for gifts or sanctions)
- Per group advantages (more money every tick and / or smaller tick as usual) => which are cumulative (with a lower limit of -90% of the original tick duration)
- Set servergroup for sales with your own price

Default command list (in private message / channel / server):
* !money => Display own money
* !store => Display the servergroups available for sale
* !buy <servergroup ID displayed in !store> => Buy a servergroup (if available in store and enough money)
* !see <user UID> => Admin ONLY: view user wallet
* !set <user UID> <new amount> => Admin ONLY: set user wallet amount

Needed permissions:

=> Settings added
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Reactions: Kumare