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Unused Channel - Deleter

TS3 Unused Channel - Deleter 0.2.2

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Reviews 4.27 star(s) 12 reviews

Hi. I got the Problem, that the Script wontwork. The log tells me following

2019-08-17T13:02:47+02:00 unusedChannelDeleter:240 running function: 'reviewWarningStatus()'
2019-08-17T13:01:30+02:00 registered handler for data
2019-08-17T13:01:30+02:00 registered handler for close
2019-08-17T13:01:30+02:00 registered handler for error
Same here.

2019-04-14T19:11:36+02:00 error in script: Uncaught exception: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < at unusedChannelDeleter.js:1:0 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> ^ Stack trace: SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
[1] Its not the same at all! [2]What have you done? The script has nothing to do with html, no token "<" in the first line too.
2019-03-12T00:34:12+01:00 Script unusedChannelDeleter returned an error (main function): TypeError: Cannot access member 'length' of undefined at allParentChannels (unusedChannelDeleter.js:607:18) at main (unusedChannelDeleter.js:169:25) at ScriptRunner (<anonymous>:42:5) at <unknown> Still Not working :/
Awesome script, Can you make icon warn before channel will be deleted?
Thank you very much! This feature has already been requested, I tried to implement it with the new version, unfortunately, sinusbot can´t change channelicons, at least afaik, correct me if iam wrong.
I like this script and works very well, it would be nice to be able to customize the description that the bot changes, because I would like it in my language and without the minutes and seconds
Thanks for your review. If I find the time to do so, I plan to rewrite the script and add more features like this. :)
New update 5/5
Awesome release!
Great Idea!
haven't tried it yet, but the topic is 5/5 already
Good Job! I love this!
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