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YouTube - ChannelNameManager 0.2.1

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With this script you can configure channels which will be renamed configurable. You can show a YouTube subcounter, show if this channel is live on YouTube and show if a certain user is online in teamspeak. The full name is configurable. Every x seconds this data will be checked and the channel will be renamed.



You need a YouTube Data API Key to make this script work. To create one, follow these instructions at least until step 3b. Make sure to activate YouTube Data API v3.
There is a limit of requests you can make everday. My Server never reached this, but if you do, let me know and I'll implement an option that you can use more than one API-Key. Another option would be to rename the channels less often. I rename the channels on my server every ten minutes.
Don't create to long channelnames. If a channelname is too long, sinusbot can't rename it!

Leave a review if you enjoy this script or report bugs! I'll try to fix them asap.
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Is anyone still using this?

Its not working for me, its spamming this in logs

2020-08-21T22:56:56+05:00 error on setTimeout/setInterval callback: Uncaught exception: ReferenceError: http is not defined at YouTube_ChannelNameManager:65:3 http({ ^ Stack trace: ReferenceError: http is not defined at getsub (YouTube_ChannelNameManager:65:4) at YouTube_ChannelNameManager:128:5 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at YouTube_ChannelNameManager:127:22
we would like to test this script, but as far as we see its only for one channel?
we would use this script if you can provide a update to "check and rename" more than one channel.

thanks for your work so far!
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