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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

TS3 YT-search 2.1

No permission to download
'+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed


» Changed Youtube Playlist Search: Now you get the direct Youtube-Video Link if the sinusbot know about that.
'+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed


» Fixed a critical bug that the bot will write itself that the music is offline and do this in loop.


» If Artist was not found, the script will display the album (usually for Youtube-Playlist's, because the artist is indicated as an album (a bug from sinusbot or youtube-dl, I don't know))
'+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed


» Updated to the new Sinusbot Scripting Engine
'+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed


+ Added SoundCloud Search Support.

» Fixed searching track for Radio/Streams.
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