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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph


    Did it work?
  2. Raphraph

    After some personal problems, I won't be able to update my scripts for today... :/ And I will be...

    After some personal problems, I won't be able to update my scripts for today... :/ And I will be less active
  3. Raphraph


    So theoretically it should be possible to just copy the data directory from Windows to Linux. The only problem I see, is that the database structure won't be the same in the Windows version and the Linux version. So basically try to copy the data directory and if there is any error like...
  4. Raphraph

    Feature Raspberry

    Meines Wissens nach haben alle Raspberry Pi's eine ARM Architektur, also eine 32-Bit Architektur. Leider braucht der Sinusbot ja eine 64 Bit Variante. :/
  5. Raphraph

    Feature Channel Description & vars Defaults.

    This already exists in the beta versions.
  6. Raphraph

    Feature Channel Description & vars Defaults.

    Yes currently you have to do so...
  7. Raphraph

    Feature Channel Description & vars Defaults.

    This will be implemented in one of the next Beta Versions. You can just check if the variable has been set or not... That's not a big problem I think. If the variable is undefined, then take a default value
  8. Raphraph

    The reset password arg is not working (-pwreset="")

    Which version of the SinusBot do you use? :)
  9. Raphraph

    Twitch intégretion

    Currently it's not possible :) But it could be possible in the future
  10. Raphraph

    Solved More Playlists

    Currently there is no way to bypass or change this limitation.
  11. Raphraph

    Will try to do these one first ;)

    Will try to do these one first ;)
  12. Raphraph

    Twitch intégretion

    Are you sure it would not work? Wiuth the newest Beta Version you cann add users to a servergroup and I don't see a problem to authenticate with the Twitch API... :)
  13. Raphraph

    -- INFORMATION -- I'm trying to update my scripts until the 20th March! But I'm providing no...

    -- INFORMATION -- I'm trying to update my scripts until the 20th March! But I'm providing no guarantee! -- THAT'S ALL --
  14. Raphraph

    Bug Verzeichnis & -update

    Das stimmt nicht :) Ich verwende einen anderen Pfad und es funktioniert einwandfrei. Der Pfad muss halt in der config.ini richtig eingestellt werden. Dieser Befehl funktioniert derzeit gar nicht. Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass er in der 1.0.0 Version oder kurz danach wieder integriert wird...
  15. Raphraph

    Bug SONGS in a Playlist with wrong title

    This bug is known and will normally be resolved in the next version like @flyth said in this thread: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/playlist-bulk-adding-naming-issue.1217/
  16. Raphraph

    Command ignored, user unknown

    Did you create a user-account in the web-interface and linked it up with your own TS-Client?
  17. Raphraph

    EN [REQUEST] Voting for songs system / Toplist

    Okay :) So I wrote the script (https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/toptracks-auto-play.64/) I thaught about first (explained above)... I will look for some free-time to code the script you want too! ^^