• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    Help ..How to install timebot in ts3 server

    To be able to use scripts you currently need the linux version of the sinusbot.
  2. Raphraph

    Bug setDescription not working on lastest version

    But it WON'T WORK in later versions! Please use: sinusbot.setNick();
  3. Raphraph

    EN [REQUEST] Voting for songs system / Toplist

    Could write a script like that too ^^ :) But writing the one described above first :D
  4. Raphraph

    EN [REQUEST] Voting for songs system / Toplist

    Okay i thought a little bit about this, it's actually possible but the problem is that I do not see any advantage of reordering the playlist :) Because if you are not in shuffle mode, the bot will play any of the songs from the beginning to the end, but if you order from best to worst, the last...
  5. Raphraph

    EN [REQUEST] Voting for songs system / Toplist

    So this is possible: !vote !toplist a script which count votes setting how many tracks are saved option to reset (like a command) This is possible with some tricks: auto-updating the current playlist BUT: What do you exactly mean with "updating" current playlist? Removing songs which don't...
  6. Raphraph

    yt-download queue and yt-playlists

    Currently there is no such feature for the Windows Version. But there is a command (!qyt) which exists in the Linux Beta version of the Bot! So if you want to use it, you will have to use the linux version.
  7. Raphraph

    Mein Sinus Bot crasht

    Also... Erstmal, lies bitte das: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/lies-mich-bevor-du-schreibst.146/ Dann, von dem was du gesagt hast, schätze ich mal dass du die Windows-Version hast. Öffne mal die Kommando Zeile, navigier zu dem Ordner wo der Bot gespeichert ist, und starte den Bot direkt
  8. Raphraph

    Solved How to add a Radio Station

    You have to search on google or on the website of the radio.
  9. Raphraph

    DE Automatisches Channel Löschen

    Ja dies ist derzeit mit Scripts möglich
  10. Raphraph

    Solved Max Space

    It could be added in a future release, but has no need yet. And there will be NO ETA (Estimated time of arrival) for it. And I do not guarantee that this feature will be available...
  11. Raphraph

    Bug Playlist

    As i said, this bug have been solved in the BETA versions of the Bot :)
  12. Raphraph

    Enqueue Youtube links

    If I'm not wrong, this feature dos not exist in the 0.9.8 version of the Bot... You will need to use the BETA version of the Bot :)
  13. Raphraph

    Bug Playlist

    Which version do you use? :) Because this bug should be fixed in the beta versions ^^
  14. Raphraph

    Enqueue Youtube links

    Which version of the SinusBot do you use?