• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    Win7 how to enable bot for all users

    On Windows: currently impossible On Linux: create a new use in your webinterface and assign it to the group id -1 :)
  2. Raphraph

    Hosting the bot

    I think you got your response: And please, if you are really a serious hoster, try to write in some sort of "correct" english. That don't look very serious and if you wrote to flyth like this, I understand why he don't gives you some kind of answer. I don't want to "attack" you in any way...
  3. Raphraph

    Windows Plugin cannot be find

    "Nicht weiterentwickelt" heißt, dass es offiziell keine weiteren Versionen nach der 0.9.8 bis jetzt gibt. Die Windows Version wird aber auf keinen Fall vergessen, es dauert nur ein bisschen bis die nächste Version veröffentlicht wird, da der Fokus auf der Linux Version liegt. Nun zu Deinem...
  4. Raphraph

    Bug Songs fast forward

    This is a known bug and has been fixed in the linux version. The windows version is, as said before, not maintained currently. We aren't providing any ETA, so you will have to wait until the time, or switch to linux :/ It's currently the only possibility
  5. Raphraph

    Feature Script events idea

    To make it somehow mor "official": Flyth has read this thread and agree with some of these events :) So some of them could be implemented in one of the next versions. This post isn't guaranteing any kind of implementation !!
  6. Raphraph

    Bug Quality

    @YordiYVE ? Do you have something to add or not ? :)
  7. Raphraph

    Bug Bot Page extremely laggy/unresponsive in Google Chrome after uploading large many songs

    So to answer this quickly: Yes the Windows version has some bugs, and I think the "laggy chrome bug" has already been reported. But because of the windows version don't being maintained currently, I can't say when this will be fixed. Just wait :) -- CLOSED --
  8. Raphraph

    Bitte Helft mir/Please Help me

    -- ACHTUNG -- Bin bissle spät dran aber, es wäre super nett wenn ihr die PN Funktion des Forums nutzen könntet falls ihr das wirklich privat klären wollt und dann die Fehlerbehebung hier beschreiben um das ganze übersichtlich abzuschließen! Danke :) -- FERTIG --
  9. Raphraph

    SinusBot Doesn't start

    Try this one: xinit /opt/ts3bot/ts3bot -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 -ac
  10. Raphraph

    SinusBot Doesn't start

    Pleasd open your config.ini, set the LogLevel = 10 And then paste the console output here :)
  11. Raphraph

    Undetected scripts

    So you have to: - check if the syntax of the bot is correct - that you use JavaScript functions of ECMAScript 5 specification (not 6) - don't uses functions relying on browser variables such as document or window - restart your bot completely
  12. Raphraph

    Help Me / Langage French

    -- FRENCH -- Pourquoi cherche tu une version 32-bit et ensuite une pour 64-bit? La version officielle 64-bit se trouve sur la page d'accueil: https://sinusbot.com La version BETA (pour LINIX) se trouve ici: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/sinusbot-beta.3/
  13. Raphraph

    Why is this code snippet not working anymore?

    So, to start, I'm sorry I did not have the time to reply here :D Next time, just write @Raphraph somewhere, if you have some questions about parts of my scripts ;) And, coming back to quour question, in the web-interface, you should have a link at the top named "Help". Then on the left side a...
  14. Raphraph

    Bug Some youtube songs plays on much faster speed than normal

    Yes, this bug has been fixed in the linux beta version, but currently not in the windows version. That's not quite right... You can use it, and I think it's worth it, but currently no update or bugfix is released for the windows version. So you have a couple of features but not as much as with...
  15. Raphraph

    Bug Can't disable ducking ?

    This was an error in an eralier beta version, but should have been fixed now. :/ You can try to disable and enable the ducking feature multiple times... Or, if you have some knowledge with sqlite, stop your bot and edit the sqlite file of the bot. There you can set ducking to true or false. But...
  16. Raphraph

    Ducking Issue

    https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/read-me-before-you-post.115/ Please give us more information...
  17. Raphraph

    Solved How to reset web password

    This command doesn't work with SinusBot v0.9.8. You will need to upgrade your bot to the latest Beta version, if you want to use it.
  18. Raphraph

    Text to Speech API's for SinusBot

    Vas dans la configuration d'une instance, et utilise un des liens ci-dessus, par exemple: TTS-Url : http://www.voicerss.org/controls/speech.ashx?hl=__LOCALE&src=__TEXT&c=mp3 Locale : fr-fr
  19. Raphraph

    Bug SinusBot doesn't allow !next or repeating a track

    Please READ and FOLLOW those instructions: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/read-me-before-you-post.115/
  20. Raphraph

    Wish-List for Scripting

    The "Fast forward" feature already exists :) It currently has not be implemented in the "official" commands, but you can use this feature in the scripts. It can also be found in the web-interface, it's the little bar directly above the "information footer" where you can see the track, etc..