• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    Solved Change channel title to song title

    As said previously create a script or take one which has already been made. The feature tag has been removed.
  2. Raphraph

    Bug Hello

    You have to read this before you post and please try to write in some proper english... https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/read-me-before-you-post.115/
  3. Raphraph

    Feature request: Upload pictures and allow registered users to see them

    I'm sorry, but I'm sure this idea will not be implemented, because the SinusBot is a MUSIC Bot. Not a filesharing platform. There are many other filesharing platforms out there, even for personal usage. Just search on google :)
  4. Raphraph

    Solved Users permissions

    This already exists. But it only works with licensed instances.
  5. Raphraph funkt net

    Dann wird der Bot eh nicht gestartet. Öffne mal die cmd.exe: Windows Taste + R Eintippen: cmd.exe Enter drücken Geh dann zu dem Ordner in dem sich der SinusBot befindet und führe in der Konsole die SinusBot .exe in der Konsole aus. Dann sollte diese offen bleiben und du kannst den Fehler...
  6. Raphraph

    I love holidays...

    I love holidays...
  7. Raphraph

    ytdl on windows server r2 2012

    That is not a SinusBot issue. Try to open a new issue at https://yt-dl.org/bug as said there.
  8. Raphraph

    Bug Instance can't connect

    We cannot PM each person when a fix is found. Please keep up to date by yourself.
  9. Raphraph

    Download, Link, Bot, Doesn't Work

    Did you start the sinusbot? You have to double click the descktop shortcut and keep the window open!
  10. Raphraph

    Bug große Dateien

    Du benutzt nicht die neuste Version. Die neuste Version ist die 0.9.12, du benutzt noch 0.9.11 https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/sinusbot-beta.3
  11. Raphraph

    Please work on a updated windows version.... *begs* :-D

    I will respond to ALL posts here... I understand your reaction, because some people "agressed" you in some way and you don't wanna here something about linux. But next time just answer nicely and others will follow your example :) That also counts for all those who wrote the other posts...
  12. Raphraph

    Can't find the option to select whisper mode.

    The website you quoted is an official partner of SinusBot, so they have a license. If you wan't to be able to use whisper mode you will have to request a license or rent a SinusBot at one of the official partners TS3Index or TS-Coach .
  13. Raphraph

    !qyt 0.9.8 Windows

    @maxibanki @Codebucket Pleeaase... Discuss your little disagreement in private chat :) As said by @maxibanki we are providing no estimated time of arrival (eta), so you will have to wait for it, like all other users. And as you see, searching just a few posts isn't really helping, please take...
  14. Raphraph

    Solved TSClient quit

    Könntest Du den ganzen log bitte hier posten? Mit LogLevel = 10 ? :) Und ich glaube nicht dass es am TeamSpeak Client liegt. Aus Sicherheitsgründen würde ich dir deswegen ans Herz legen den TeamSpeak Client 3.0.19 zu nutzen :)
  15. Raphraph

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Thanks for those details.
  16. Raphraph

    Bug Can't connect trough the web interface

    I can connect, no matter which Browser I use (Chrome, Firefox, Android Chrome, Safari, Edge). Try to remove your cookies, clear your cache, remove all saved data for this website.
  17. Raphraph

    Client Is Flooding

    Ask an administrator. There is no other possibility.
  18. Raphraph

    Client Is Flooding

    You have to give the TeamSpeak Client the b_client_ignore_antiflood permission :)
  19. Raphraph

    Few questions :) (playlists, ducking)

    !yt downloads the song, deleting it afterwards !ytdl downloads the song without deleting it afterwards
  20. Raphraph

    Sinusbot startet nicht mehr

    Das sieht so aus als wäre deine Datenbank leider beschädigt. Ich meine man könnte noch was versuchen wenn man bissle in der config.ini mit dem Pregma Eintrag rumspielt... :/ Aber da bin ich mir nicht sicher. @Xuxe @flyth ? Ich will hier kein Mist reden.