• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. ScooPe


    I really think the shuffle mode could use a tune up we got 500+ songs uploadet to our bot but quite often it plays the same song we just heard 2 songs back and sometimes the same song twice and some songs we never hear
  2. BadassOverlord

    Timeout error

    Hello, To start off, here is the error: Timeout for retrying Basically this only happens with songs I added through youtube-dl playlist downloading feature. The URL...
  3. Fuzz3

    Solved Cant change name/ip/port/anything of the bot

    Hi, I cant use my bot, i try to change the name, the ip, port, password, other stuff and it always gets stuck with http://prntscr.com/90ftht heres the print screen of that. I tried to reinstall the OS twice! I'm using Unbuntu 14.04 Please help me i tried everything!
  4. A

    Lob und Kritik

    Hi@all Erst mal zum Lob: Echt super Projekt, läuft ohne Probleme wenn man sich ein bischen damit beschäftigt hat, hoffe die Premium/Hoster Versionen sind bald verfügbar. Die !yt Funktion ist einfach nur genial. Bug?: -Teilweise bei !ytdl werden die Dateien nicht sauber auf dem Root gespeichert...
  5. Defalt'

    Bug Speakers/Headphones/Microphone Disabled

    Hello, First of all sorry for my English level very low. I use this bot Music for a while but I had to make a change machine so I have all re install. But now I have her: (no KVM) Spec: Debian 7 64-bit Last versions of Sinus 512mo of ram How to do ? Thank you
  6. djshylow

    Bug Running time error

    Troubleshooting Command Given https://github.com/flyth/ts3soundbot/wiki/Installation---Debian-&-Ubuntu Results
  7. Abdumalik

    not running bot !!!

    webinterface is working but bot is not entering when i start ./sinusbot it shows at the end 2015/09/16 11:44:10 X [MAIN] New connection 2015/09/16 11:44:10 X [MAIN] Disconnected: 10 2015/09/16 11:44:10 X [MAIN] New connection
  8. CubeDev

    Bug Instance settings don't save

    I got the same problem as this reported in this thread. But unfortunatly this thread got closed so I couldn't reply. I use Firefox on Windows 7. When saving settings of an instance, and then refresh the site, the settings don't get saved (but sometimes they do). And the IP, Port and Name of the...
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