• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. titidelaff

    Bug Need Help With Task

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.8 TS3 Version: 3.0.11 Problem Description I cant cancel task and youtube-dl work greate via the linux console but not with sinusbot.
  2. gothdawid

    Youtube-dl error 2

    I have a problem with installing the youtube-dI. / usr / local / bin / youtube-dl is executable and have chmod 777 Please help. 2016/07/25 03:09:06 [GENERAL/YTDL ] INFO youtube-dl checking... 2016/07/25 03:09:07 exit status 2 youtube-dl not found Config: TS3Path =...
  3. tronyx

    EN [Request] Youtube Proxy

    Hello everyone! GEMA block most youtube videos and its not possible to play youtube musics but with proxy its possible. This should work: /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl --proxy "http://USER:PASSWORD@PROXY-IP/" "http://youtube.com/video_bla_bla" I hope somebody can make plugin for example !ytproxy...
  4. lars1337

    Youtube-dl twitch streams?

    Hallo, weiß wer wie man mit youtube-dl Twitchstreams anhören kann? Oder gibt es eine andere möglichkeit für Twitch streams?
  5. D

    Can't get youtube-dl to work.

    Im on Windows 10 and Youtube-dl used to work for me but now that i restarted it tells me that youtube-dl not found. I have installed: Youtube-dl, SinusBot, Python, Notepad++. Here is a screenshot when i first start up the bot: with my config and windows explorer: Here is an image after i did a...
  6. W

    youtube-dl problem

    Hello, I've spent 2 hours going through all the forums and all the solutions didn't help so I'll post my logs and everything here because im out of ideas. Everything works great, thanks for creating the bot but I can't get youtube-dl to work. Everything else works, I can manually upload stuff...
  7. BadassOverlord

    Bug Youtube-dl playlist import not working correctly

    I found a bug with youtube dl. When I create a new playlist and use the playlist import feature (where you paste a youtube playlist link), the songs get imported, however, the name is not auto set, you can't queue the song from the playlist, and the folder is not created in root of "all music"...
  8. minion_josh_

    Windows youtube-dl not working

    hi, my windows youtube-dl that I had followed the tutorial for and when I try and open it up it opens but then closes in a second. my config file is as followed TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe" ListenHost = "" DataDir = "" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback...
  9. GaMER

    YouTube-DL in own folder

    A feature to have downloaded youtube videos to be added in Youtube folder instead of the root folder.
  10. raymond570

    Solved youtube-dl not available

    my sinusbot cmd says : youtube-dl not available, so not able to download. woops. pls help??? my configs are: screenshot of the error: and when my pc has been turned off and on, i have to reïnstall sinusbot, any idea's why this is the problem? it's because my cmd screen pops up and...
  11. X

    Solved PLEASE CLOSE [DE] Youtube-dl Fehler

    Hey Leute hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen also: Wenn ich beim mein Sinusbot aktuellste beta mit script funktion irgendwas von youtube downloaden will zeigt er mir ein komischen Fehler. Hab ihn mal unschön markiert SIEHE HIER . Weis jemand woran das liegt? System: Betriebssystem...
  12. BadassOverlord

    Timeout error

    Hello, To start off, here is the error: Timeout for retrying Basically this only happens with songs I added through youtube-dl playlist downloading feature. The URL...
  13. S

    Bug delete music in a playlist folder (playlist is deleted)

    so i found out after updating YT-Dl and restarting sinusbot i still have this bugg and i wanted to delete the play list that worked but the playlist folder was still in the all music folder i wanted to delete it but it doesn't happen i get this https://gyazo.com/db7751fb8133e6362f4fa4e84e87f8dc
  14. Tim3Game

    Solved YT-Downloader funktioniert nicht

    Hallo, Ich habe schon denn bot mit teamspeak client installiert, aber der youtube-dl funktioniert nicht :( Ich habe alles versucht, aber nichts klappt. Wen ich ein song herunterlade, der tsclient sagt Downloading... aber auf der seit ist "error, youtube-dl not availabe", und ja, ich habe es in...
  15. Rodey

    Youtube Proxy

    There already was a post about this but I can't comment to it unfortunately... I tried to create a wrapper script, but I'm kind of a Linux noobie in a way so I'm not sure entirely. I get a "fork/exec /opt/ts3bot/yt-dl-wrapper.sh: exec format error youtube-dl not found". When I use the file...
  16. G


    I have been trying for hours to get this to work, but it didn't, the youtubedlpath is correct. but it says this when i open ts3bot: file does not exist youtube-dl not found. I can still run music through the bot, but this feature isn't working for me. Edit: I am running on windows 7.
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