• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

EN diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script


Head of troll department / Xuxe dominator
Tier III
is awesome!
is uber awesome!
diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script

What is it?
diagSinusbot.sh collects some important diagnostic data about the operating system and the bot installation. When finished it returns informative information, ready to copy and paste it in the support section in the sinusbot forum. The main purpose of this script is to solve bugs and any other issues easier and faster with more details about the situation - easily collected with this script.

Remember: Once the output has been generated, please append it to your forum thread. This tool is not officially developed from the SinusBot team.

The development is done on GitHub here, publicly viewable for everyone. Contributions welcome.

Requirements (Important! Otherwise it won't work!)
  • Operating Systems: Debian, Ubuntu (others may work, but are not supported)
  • Required installed packages: bc binutils coreutils lsb-release util-linux net-tools curl
    • Install: apt-get install bc binutils coreutils lsb-release util-linux net-tools curl
    • (Most packages are already pre-installed by default on the most systems.)
$ cd /opt/sinusbot/ # <= change to your path
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patschi/sinusbot-tools/master/tools/diagSinusbot.sh
$ bash diagSinusbot.sh # execute with root privileges, sudo may be required

Some information which may be scanned:
  • System
    • Operating system
    • Kernel
    • Load average
    • Uptime
    • CPU model, cores and speed
    • RAM usage
    • SWAP usage
    • DISK usage
    • Bot autostart script checks
  • Bot
    • Status of bot and webinterface
    • Version
    • Performs ts3client checks
    • Some configuration pre-checks
    • Checks if bot plugin is installed to ts3client
    • Checks LogLevel
    • Checks youtube-dl and installed version
    • Installed bot scripts (filenames only)
    • Checks if all required OS packages got installed
  • ...and more as extended over time.
Example output:
- Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.1 (jessie)
- OS x64 check: OK
- Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64
- Load Average: 0.24 0.32 0.32
- Uptime: 58 days, 23 hours, 44 minutes, 32 seconds
- OS Updates: 0 (well done!)
- OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
- OS APT Last Update: 23.08.2015 00:41:12 CEST +02:00:00
- Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 0644]
- DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
- CPU:
Architecture: x86_64
CPU(s): 2
Thread(s) per core: 1
Core(s) per socket: 1
Socket(s): 2
Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v2 @ 3.50GHz
CPU MHz: 3499.999
Hypervisor vendor: VMware
Virtualization type: full
- RAM: 449.76 MB/1000.32 MB in use (44%)
- SWAP: 0 B/871.99 MB in use (0%)
- DISK: 2.01 GB/15.73 GB in use (12%)
- Report date: 26.11.2015 21:13:47 CET +01:00:00 (timezone: Europe/Berlin)

- Status: running (PIDs: 23012 23011, User: sinusbot)
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /home/sinusbot/sinusbot/sinusbot (Hash: dfaa2dae26ee80b782b8b4b6cbf9fa5e)
- Version: 0.9.9-4965f0f
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
- Bot Plugin: 4f888043455d865231047616da069ed8
- TS3 Client: 4f888043455d865231047616da069ed8
- Config:
- LogLevel = 4
- TS3Path = /home/sinusbot/ts3/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version
- YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2015.08.16.1)
- Installed Scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; covatar.js; dev.js; followme.js; idle.js; metadata.js; norecording.js; showcase.js; welcometext.js

Notice: Because this script does also collect information like CPU, RAM, SWAP, DISK usage and more, this script needs to be executed with root privileges. The script is not installing any dependencies of the script or bot without asking.

Questions? Problems?
Tell me! Feel free to use the forum or the issues functionality on GitHub.

Only for german users: Für eine deutsche Übersetzung, bitte hier entlang.
Last edited by a moderator:
Brilliant! Works perfectly.

 - Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 7.9 (wheezy)
 - OS x64 check: OK
 - Kernel: Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 x86_64
 - Load Average: 0.83 0.73 0.53
 - Uptime: 28 days, 19 hours, 34 minutes, 37 seconds
 - OS Updates: 0 (well done!)
 - OS Missing Packages: None (v1)
 - OS APT Last Update: 25.11.2015 16:47:38 GMT +00:00:00
 - Bot Start Script: found at /etc/init.d/sinusbot [perms: 0755]
 - DNS resolution check: google.com -> OK
 - CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                4
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             4
    CPU MHz:               2599.998
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
 - RAM: 229.31 MB/496.67 MB in use (46%)
 - SWAP: 105.14 MB/1023.99 MB in use (10%)
 - DISK: 5.42 GB/17.01 GB in use (31%)
 - Report date: 21.12.2015 14:36:28 GMT +00:00:00 (timezone: Europe/London)

 - Status: running (PIDs: 20769 20768, User: root)
 - Webinterface: port locally not reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/ts3bot/sinusbot (Hash: 634662b72e5a6efc5ab92967bc8f3ace)
 - Version: 0.9.9-8f70ff3
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: 28511bf58fe820d911609f7252594400
   - TS3 Client: 28511bf58fe820d911609f7252594400
 - Config:
   - LogLevel = 10 (debug log active)
   - TS3Path = /opt/ts3bot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version
   - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2015.12.18)
 - Installed Scripts: advertising.js; aloneMode.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; come.js; covatar.js; dev.js; dice.js; digitalclock.js; followme.js; help.js; idle.js; metadata.js; nexttrack.js; norecording.js; pause.js; rememberChannel.js; showcase.js; welcometext.js
One thing I would ask is that it would be nice if the [CODE.] tags were already there, for ease.
I have currently no plans implementing CentOS support in the near future. It might be possible, probably also without much a lot of work. However I'm actually not having enough time to get familiar with CentOS and test its implementation into depth. Sorry!
I have currently no plans implementing CentOS support in the near future. It might be possible, probably also without much a lot of work. However I'm actually not having enough time to get familiar with CentOS and test its implementation into depth. Sorry!
Centos is trash, using now Debian 9 <3
Sinusbot is crashing after I save script setting and the script aren't working

here is the code

 - Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
 - Kernel: Linux 4.4.0-145-generic x86_64
 - Load Average: 0.26 0.41 0.59
 - Uptime: 8 days, 21 hours, 54 minutes, 25 seconds
 - OS x64 check: OK
 - OS Updates: 12 (updates available!)
 - OS Missing Packages: None
 - OS APT Last Update: 18.04.2019 11:26:38 CEST +02:00:00
 - Bot Start Script: not found
 - DNS resolution check: www.sinusbot.com resolved to -> OK
 - HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: SUCCESS [Connection was established to www.sinusbot.com, CODE #200]
 - HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: IGNORE
 - CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                2
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    2
    Socket(s):             1
    Model name:            Common KVM processor
    CPU MHz:               4008.000
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
 - RAM: 1.74 GB/3.85 GB in use (45%)
 - SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
 - DISK: 23.53 GB/24.17 GB in use (97%)
 - Package versions:
   + libglib: 2.48.2-0ubuntu4.1

 - Status: running (PIDs: 19535 19533, User: sinusbot)
 - Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot
 - Binary Info: MD5 Hash: 6f301dac3e4dfd45ce149933c5dadd08, Perms: 755, User: sinusbot
 - Version: 1.0.0-beta.1-06a54d7
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: 59c9a688307aa73af9573029a7625fc5
   - TS3 Client: 59c9a688307aa73af9573029a7625fc5
 - Config:
   - LogLevel = 3
   - TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.2.3)
   - YoutubeDLPath = not set
 - Installed scripts: adminStaffStatus1.0.0.js; advancedclientinfo.js; advertising.js; AFK_Mover_(AwayMuteDeafIdle).js; alonemode.js; aloneMode.js; Animated Nickname.js; Animated_Nickname.js; AntiProxy.js; avatarbanner.js; Away Mover.js; badchan.js; bookmark.js; Channel_Servergroup_Assigner.js; cleverbot.js; command.js; CountryManager.js; covatar.js; coverloader.js; dev.js; Digital Clock.js; Digital_Clock.js; followme.js; Jail.js; metadata.js; Music info in multiply channels.js; norecording.js; Online Users Record.js; Random_Kick.js; RankCSGO.js; rememberChannel.js; ServerGroupTimer.js; Server_Join_Alert.js; showcase.js; sound.js; Steam Server Information.js; SteamServerInformation.js; TS3RankingENG.js; twitch_chat.js; TwitchHitbox Status.js; twitch_status.js; Twitch_Status.js; twitter.js; Vote Kick.js; welcome.js; WelcomeMessage.js; WelcomeSound.js; welcometext.js; xfn.js; youtube.js

 - Time (local): 18.04.2019 21:13:01 CEST +02:00:00
 - Time (remote): 18.04.2019 21:13:01 CEST +02:00:00
 - Time (difference): 0 secs (Time diff less than 2 secs. Good.)
 - Timezone: Europe/Brussels

 - TeamSpeak 3 Version: 3.2.3
 - youtube-dl Version: unknown
 - DiagScript Version: 0.7.1
@Kenionek i guess your post does not belong here. If the issue only occurs by using a specific script then please try to explain it there, if not open another thread. Please with some more Information.

Btw that are a lot of scripts! Some duplicates as well
Last edited:
@Kenionek i guess your post does not belong here. If the issue only occurs by using a specific script then please try to explain it there, if not open another thread. Please with some more Information.
It happens with all the scripts and sinusbot shuts down and I need it to restart it via ssh, in which thread do I need to ask it?
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = HELLO!  Having an issue? I'm here to assist! =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  Thanks for  using  this diagnostic script!  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  The more  information  you   provide,  the  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  better we  can help to solve your problem.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  The execution  may  take  some  moments to  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  collection the most  important information  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  of your system and  your bot installation.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  After everything  is  done, you will get a  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  summarized output ready to copy & paste it  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  within a CODE-tag  in  the SinusBot forum.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  [Link: https://forum.sinusbot.com]          =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  This script uses DNS resolutions and HTTPS  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  requests  to  Sinusbot-related  domains to  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  check  if your network settings are valid.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = Please also report any feedback or issues    =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = related to the script in the official forum. =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = Thank you and happy debugging!               =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =   -- Patrik Kernstock aka. Patschi.          =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WAIT] Press [ENTER] to continue...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Starting diagSinusbot v0.8.0 [2019-06-16 00:01 UTC]...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Checking for new diagnostic script version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [OKAY] You are using the latest version.
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Detected operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie)
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Searching bot binary...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Searching in directory '/opt/sinusbot'...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Binary 'sinusbot' found.
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Binary found.
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Collecting information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] (Scan may take some moments...)
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Collecting system information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Getting operating system version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Checking DNS resolution...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Checking web IPv4 access...
[2020-02-24 17:04:17] [DEBUG] Checking update server availability...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Checking for locales...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Getting processor information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Checking for available operating system updates...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting RAM information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting SWAP information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting DISK information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting disk info by using command:
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG]  $ df -Tl --total -t ext4 -t ext3 -t ext2 -t reiserfs -t jfs -t ntfs -t fat32 -t btrfs -t fuseblk
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [INFO] Collecting bot information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Trying to get SinusBot version using version parameter...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Loading bot config file...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Determining bot status...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting LDD output from bot binary...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Reading ListenPort from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting installed bot scripts...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Reading LogLevel from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Reading TS3Path from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Trying to get ts3client version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking installation of bot plugin in ts3client...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking if libqxcb-glx-integration.so file exists...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking for 'youtube-dl'...
[2020-02-24 17:04:26] [DEBUG] Generating output...

Please attach this output to your forum post:
 - Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie)
 - Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-0.bpo.11-amd64 x86_64
 - Load Average: 0.37 0.47 0.60
 - Uptime: 0 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
 - OS x64 check: OK
 - OS Updates: 17 (updates available!)
 - OS Missing Packages: None
 - OS APT Last Update: 24.02.2020 16:04:47 MSK +03:00:00
 - Shell Locale: en_US.UTF-8
 - Bot Start Script: not found
 - CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                4
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             4
    Model name:            QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
    CPU MHz:               2194.842
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
 - RAM: 553.43 MB/3.86 GB in use (13%)
 - SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
 - DISK: 17.18 GB/88.45 GB in use (19%)
 - Package versions:
   - libglib: 2.42.1-1+deb8u3

 - Status: running (PIDs: 8724 8721, User: sinusbot sinusbot)
 - Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot
 - Binary Info: MD5 Hash: 224b687db910b732fe5a7cfec4f6c78e, Perms: 755, User: sinusbot
 - Version: 1.0.0-beta.10-202ee4d
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: aa483aea105cb62033392b1ce6d317ab
   - TS3 Client: aa483aea105cb62033392b1ce6d317ab
 - Config:
   - LogLevel = 3
   - TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.3.2)
   - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2020.02.16)
 - Installed scripts: advertising.js; alonemode.js; bookmark.js; command.js; followme.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; sinusbot-commands.js; welcome.js

 - File exists:
   - TS3Client/libqxcb-glx-integration.so: no
 - LDD output:
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd81f85000)
    libswresample.so.2 => /opt/sinusbot/libswresample.so.2 (0x00007f14b16b1000)
    libavfilter.so.6 => /opt/sinusbot/libavfilter.so.6 (0x00007f14b1359000)
    libavformat.so.57 => /opt/sinusbot/libavformat.so.57 (0x00007f14b0f58000)
    libavcodec.so.57 => /opt/sinusbot/libavcodec.so.57 (0x00007f14b05f3000)
    libavutil.so.55 => /opt/sinusbot/libavutil.so.55 (0x00007f14b037f000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f14b017b000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f14afe7a000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f14afc5d000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f14af952000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f14af73c000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f14af391000)
    libz.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0x00007f14af176000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007f14aef6e000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f14b18cb000)

 - HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: SUCCESS [Connection established to www.sinusbot.com, CODE #200]
 - HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: IGNORED [Disabled]
 - DNS resolution check: SUCCESS [www.sinusbot.com resolved to]
 - Update server checks:
    update01.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update02.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update03.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]

 - Time (local): 24.02.2020 17:04:24 MSK +03:00:00
 - Time (remote): 24.02.2020 17:04:24 MSK +03:00:00
 - Time (difference): 0 secs (Time diff less than 2 secs. Good.)
 - Timezone: Europe/Moscow

 - TeamSpeak3 Version: 3.3.2
 - youtube-dl Version: 2020.02.16
 - DiagScript Version: 0.8.0

Notice: For a better overview, post this data
in the forum within a CODE-tag!

[2020-02-24 17:04:26] [DEBUG] Done.
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = HELLO!  Having an issue? I'm here to assist! =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  Thanks for  using  this diagnostic script!  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  The more  information  you   provide,  the  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  better we  can help to solve your problem.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  The execution  may  take  some  moments to  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  collection the most  important information  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  of your system and  your bot installation.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  After everything  is  done, you will get a  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  summarized output ready to copy & paste it  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  within a CODE-tag  in  the SinusBot forum.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  [Link: https://forum.sinusbot.com]          =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =                                              =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  This script uses DNS resolutions and HTTPS  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  requests  to  Sinusbot-related  domains to  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =  check  if your network settings are valid.  =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = Please also report any feedback or issues    =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = related to the script in the official forum. =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] = Thank you and happy debugging!               =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] =   -- Patrik Kernstock aka. Patschi.          =
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WELCOME] ================================================
[2020-02-24 17:04:04] [WAIT] Press [ENTER] to continue...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Starting diagSinusbot v0.8.0 [2019-06-16 00:01 UTC]...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Checking for new diagnostic script version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [OKAY] You are using the latest version.
[2020-02-24 17:04:15] [INFO] Detected operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie)
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Searching bot binary...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Searching in directory '/opt/sinusbot'...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Binary 'sinusbot' found.
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Binary found.
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Collecting information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] (Scan may take some moments...)
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [INFO] Collecting system information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Getting operating system version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Checking DNS resolution...
[2020-02-24 17:04:16] [DEBUG] Checking web IPv4 access...
[2020-02-24 17:04:17] [DEBUG] Checking update server availability...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Checking for locales...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Getting processor information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:18] [DEBUG] Checking for available operating system updates...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting RAM information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting SWAP information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting DISK information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting disk info by using command:
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG]  $ df -Tl --total -t ext4 -t ext3 -t ext2 -t reiserfs -t jfs -t ntfs -t fat32 -t btrfs -t fuseblk
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [INFO] Collecting bot information...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Trying to get SinusBot version using version parameter...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Loading bot config file...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Determining bot status...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting LDD output from bot binary...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Reading ListenPort from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:22] [DEBUG] Getting installed bot scripts...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Reading LogLevel from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Reading TS3Path from bot configuration...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Trying to get ts3client version...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking installation of bot plugin in ts3client...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking if libqxcb-glx-integration.so file exists...
[2020-02-24 17:04:23] [DEBUG] Checking for 'youtube-dl'...
[2020-02-24 17:04:26] [DEBUG] Generating output...

Please attach this output to your forum post:
- Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie)
- Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-0.bpo.11-amd64 x86_64
- Load Average: 0.37 0.47 0.60
- Uptime: 0 days, 3 hours, 11 minutes, 42 seconds
- OS x64 check: OK
- OS Updates: 17 (updates available!)
- OS Missing Packages: None
- OS APT Last Update: 24.02.2020 16:04:47 MSK +03:00:00
- Shell Locale: en_US.UTF-8
- Bot Start Script: not found
- CPU:
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU(s):                4
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             4
    Model name:            QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+
    CPU MHz:               2194.842
    Hypervisor vendor:     KVM
    Virtualization type:   full
- RAM: 553.43 MB/3.86 GB in use (13%)
- SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
- DISK: 17.18 GB/88.45 GB in use (19%)
- Package versions:
   - libglib: 2.42.1-1+deb8u3

- Status: running (PIDs: 8724 8721, User: sinusbot sinusbot)
- Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
- Binary: /opt/sinusbot/sinusbot
- Binary Info: MD5 Hash: 224b687db910b732fe5a7cfec4f6c78e, Perms: 755, User: sinusbot
- Version: 1.0.0-beta.10-202ee4d
- TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: aa483aea105cb62033392b1ce6d317ab
   - TS3 Client: aa483aea105cb62033392b1ce6d317ab
- Config:
   - LogLevel = 3
   - TS3Path = /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.3.2)
   - YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl (does exist, version: 2020.02.16)
- Installed scripts: advertising.js; alonemode.js; bookmark.js; command.js; followme.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; sinusbot-commands.js; welcome.js

- File exists:
   - TS3Client/libqxcb-glx-integration.so: no
- LDD output:
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd81f85000)
    libswresample.so.2 => /opt/sinusbot/libswresample.so.2 (0x00007f14b16b1000)
    libavfilter.so.6 => /opt/sinusbot/libavfilter.so.6 (0x00007f14b1359000)
    libavformat.so.57 => /opt/sinusbot/libavformat.so.57 (0x00007f14b0f58000)
    libavcodec.so.57 => /opt/sinusbot/libavcodec.so.57 (0x00007f14b05f3000)
    libavutil.so.55 => /opt/sinusbot/libavutil.so.55 (0x00007f14b037f000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f14b017b000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f14afe7a000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f14afc5d000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f14af952000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f14af73c000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f14af391000)
    libz.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0x00007f14af176000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007f14aef6e000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f14b18cb000)

- HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: SUCCESS [Connection established to www.sinusbot.com, CODE #200]
- HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: IGNORED [Disabled]
- DNS resolution check: SUCCESS [www.sinusbot.com resolved to]
- Update server checks:
    update01.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update02.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update03.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]

- Time (local): 24.02.2020 17:04:24 MSK +03:00:00
- Time (remote): 24.02.2020 17:04:24 MSK +03:00:00
- Time (difference): 0 secs (Time diff less than 2 secs. Good.)
- Timezone: Europe/Moscow

- TeamSpeak3 Version: 3.3.2
- youtube-dl Version: 2020.02.16
- DiagScript Version: 0.8.0

Notice: For a better overview, post this data
in the forum within a CODE-tag!

[2020-02-24 17:04:26] [DEBUG] Done.

Post this together with all other requestes Informations (From the Read me before you Post Thread https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/read-me-before-you-post.115/) and a better description in your Support Thread (https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/error-pulseaudio.7626/).

After that we have some informations and can help you to fix the Problem.
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