That would be like a modified version of this script: you are already here, how do i write a script that will assign a servergroup if a user reaches a specified idle time?
Variables needed: AFK servergroup ID, Servergroup to add AFK group, max idle time, revoke servergroup when not idle.
Can you explain this in more detail?In regards to the prvious script, when i whitelist the default group it doesn't work. i.e. I only want a specific servergroup to be aded to people with the default servergroup. When i define id:7 in the whitelist config, when i try to add a group to a user the bot automatically revokes it.
Maybe you could add a config for blacklisted servergroups as well to the settings?
This is possible but how should it works? If the client has a servergroup that is defined in the blacklisted servergroups the bot should revokes the add?Maybe you could add a config for blacklisted servergroups as well to the settings?
Ah ok now i understand it. The problem is that the guest group is the servergroup for clients when the clients has no other servergroups. I can fix this.yeah, if a user has a servergroup on the blacklist, the bot revoke the add. Also i spotted that the whitelist doesnt work with the default group.
I have created a New Admin servergroup that can only be added to users with the default server group Guest (7), when I wirte 7 in the whitelist the bot still revokes the serbergroup.