• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Sinusbot Installer Script

EN Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

No permission to download
There is a bug... after trying to install the YT-DL it does nothing and the installation isn't finished... fix it ASAP or i'll need to give you 1 star again because of your no responses
There is a bug... after trying to install the YT-DL it does nothing and the installation isn't finished... fix it ASAP or i'll need to give you 1 star again because of your no responses
whats the output of "youtube-dl -U"?

as you can see "no response" is definitely wrong ;)
fix it ASAP or i'll need to give you 1 star again because of your no responses
Don't blackmail anyone again on these forums (especially with such nonsense arguments), or I'll need to ban you.
Hi, I installed sinusbot with this script on fresh ubuntu 16.04 64bit. When i try start it with service or /etc/init.d/sinusbot it says
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
sinusbot started successfully
but website not working. and /etc/init.d/sinusbot status write sinusbot is down
Hi, I installed sinusbot with this script on fresh ubuntu 16.04 64bit. When i try start it with service or /etc/init.d/sinusbot it says
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
sinusbot started successfully
but website not working. and /etc/init.d/sinusbot status write sinusbot is down
Switch to your sinusbotuser, then into /opt/sinusbot and start the bot manually "./sinusbot" and send the output here :)
Library not found.
Sanity checks failed, unable to run. Please read the installation-guide carefully and contact support if necessary.
//EDIT: I used script for install

ls /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/plugins/
If there is no libsoundbot_plugin.so do the following:

cp /opt/sinusbot/plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/plugins/
Last edited:

I tried
cp /opt/sinusbot/plugin/libsoundbot_plugin.so /opt/sinusbot/teamspeak3-client/plugins
but it still not working
Library not found.
Sanity checks failed, unable to run. Please read the installation-guide carefully and contact support if necessary.
Qhiliqq updated Sinusbot Installer Script with a new update entry:

YT-DL fix

### German ###
Neue Version verfügbar.

  • YoutubeDL gefixt
  • Kleinere Fehler behoben
Bei Fehlern und Problemen bitte erst in dem Reiter Diskussion das Problem schildern und nicht gleich eine schlechte Bewertung geben, denn so kann ich euch nicht helfen.

### English ###
New version available.

  • YoutubeDL fixed
  • small bugfixes
If you have bugs or problems use first the discuss tab and write down the problem, before you write a bad...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I try reinstall it and it still not working.
You're using Installer 1.3.6
What should the Installer do?
1) Install
2) Update
3) Remove
4) PW Reset
5) Quit
#? 1
Check if lsb-release and debconf-utils is installed...
Automatic usage or own directories?
1) Automatic
2) Own path
3) Quit
#? 1
Sinusbot already installed with automatic install option!
Would you like to update the bot instead? [Y / N]: Y
This Sinusbot version is only for private use! Accept?
1) No
2) Yes
#? 2
Update the system packages to the latest version? Recommended, as otherwise dependencies might break! Option "No" = Exit
1) Yes
2) Try without
3) No
#? 1
Start installer now!
Updating the system in a few seconds silently (no optical output)!
This could take a while. Please wait up to 10 minutes!
Installing necessary packages! Please wait...
Packages installed!
TS3 already latest version.
Downloading latest Sinusbot.
Extracting Sinusbot files.
Sinusbot update done.
Installed init.d file to start the Sinusbot with "/etc/init.d/sinusbot {start|stop|status|restart|console|update|backup}"
Installing Cronjob for automatic Sinusbot update...
Installing Sinusbot update cronjob successful.
Should YT-DL be installed/updated?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1
Installing YT-Downloader now!
grep: /etc/cron.d/ytdl: No such file or directory
/dev/fd/63: line 869: [: : integer expression expected
grep: /etc/cron.d/ytdl: No such file or directory
Error while installing YoutubeDL Cronjob. Skipping.
youtube-dl is up-to-date (2017.05.14)
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
You are not the owner of /var/run/screen/S-sinusbot.
sinusbot started successfully
Please wait... This will take some seconds!
Sinusbot could not start! Starting it directly. Look for errors!
Could not open /tmp/.sinusbot.lock. Is SinusBot already running?
I tried clean instalaction and PW reset but it still not working.
Hopefully it is now fixed

Reinstall the bot and it should work.
Tested on Debian 8 minimal, Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOs7 a second ago
Last edited:
Deleted /tmp/.sinusbot.lock
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
You are not the owner of /var/run/screen/S-sinusbot.
sinusbot started successfully
Please wait... This will take some seconds!
Sinusbot could not start! Starting it directly. Look for errors!
 ___ ___ _  _ _   _ ___ ___  ___ _____  BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_   _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instances
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instance://8ce03e1a-2db6-4c9b-b6e0-0f8327f94482
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f 8ce03e1a INFO   Initialization complete
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl checking...
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   RadioStation data loaded
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   Imported radio stations

 ___ ___ _  _ _   _ ___ ___  ___ _____  BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_   _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instances
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instance://8ce03e1a-2db6-4c9b-b6e0-0f8327f94482
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f 8ce03e1a INFO   Initialization complete
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl checking...
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   RadioStation data loaded
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   Imported radio stations
Session terminated, terminating shell...
2017/05/18 16:59:08 [GENERAL        ] Shutting down... Hold on...
Deleted /tmp/.sinusbot.lock
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
You are not the owner of /var/run/screen/S-sinusbot.
sinusbot started successfully
Please wait... This will take some seconds!
Sinusbot could not start! Starting it directly. Look for errors!
___ ___ _  _ _   _ ___ ___  ___ _____  BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_   _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instances
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instance://8ce03e1a-2db6-4c9b-b6e0-0f8327f94482
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f 8ce03e1a INFO   Initialization complete
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl checking...
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   RadioStation data loaded
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   Imported radio stations

___ ___ _  _ _   _ ___ ___  ___ _____  BETA
/ __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_   _|
\__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || |
|___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_|

Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c
(C) 2013-2016 Michael Friese. All rights reserved.

2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin advertising.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin aloneMode.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin badchan.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin bookmark.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin covatar.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin dev.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin followme.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin idle.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin metadata.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin norecording.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin rememberChannel.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin showcase.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin sound.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 [GENERAL/SCRIPTS] INFO   Loading ScriptPlugin welcometext.js
2017/05/18 16:57:46 X [MAIN] Starting up fake x-server...
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instances
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f          INFO   Loading instance://8ce03e1a-2db6-4c9b-b6e0-0f8327f94482
2017/05/18 16:57:47 f132484f 8ce03e1a INFO   Initialization complete
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avcodec v3741798; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 81 codecs
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/FFMPEG ] INFO   FFmpeg/avformat v3742052; license: LGPL version 2.1 or later; 143 formats
2017/05/18 16:57:47 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl checking...
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/YTDL   ] INFO   youtube-dl version compatible, support enabled
2017/05/18 16:57:48 [GENERAL/!!!!!!!] NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   RadioStation data loaded
2017/05/18 16:57:49 [GENERAL/RADIO  ] INFO   Imported radio stations
Session terminated, terminating shell...
2017/05/18 16:59:08 [GENERAL        ] Shutting down... Hold on...
And where is there an error of my installer? :D
Maybe @Xuxe knows sth.?

I could only test it myself...

Or after it breaks try this commands:

service ntp stop >/dev/null 2>&1
ntpdate -s 0.pool.ntp.org >/dev/null 2>&1
service ntp start >/dev/null 2>&1

(those only if file exist)
rm /tmp/.sinusbot.lock
rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X40
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