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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Bad Nickname Check

TS3 Bad Nickname Check 1.2.3

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Checks for Bad Nicknames and Kicks or Messages them,

Bad Nicknames can be entered via JavaScript Regex in format:
and so on...

This Regex will block all Users with the Nickname:

and so on...

If you have questions on how to work with Regex ask them in the Thread not via Private Messages thank you!

Use for every Nickname a seperate Line!
A tool which may help you by creating new Regex Strings https://regex101.com/

About the Parameter "Startup Timeout"
This Parameter is here to get a small Start UP delay so the Sinusbot is able to fetch all ServerGroups which may need time on larger Servers with many Users in the Groups!
After the delay it will do a Nick Full check on every Visible Client for the Bot and then only listen on events "connect" and "nickname change"

Tested and developed on
First release
Last update
3.46 star(s) 13 ratings

More resources from Multivitamin

Latest updates

  1. bugfix

    Strict config parsing for config.action which made the bot always to kick the offending user
  2. Integrated Webfiles for the Generator

    Unzip the zip file and upload the content to your sinusbot scripts folder
  3. Rewrite for new Scripting Engine

    Code Optimizations and removed Initialization Timeout Thanks for Tütchen for Testing <3

Latest reviews

Nice functionality but not perfectly working.

Explanation: Had the issue, that a joining user would get kicked before the server loaded completly. That resulted in the kick not getting registred as a kick on the kicked user end. Therefore there was no kick message and the client constantly tried to reconnect. Fixed it by setting an one sec timeout before kicking in the checkNick function. Not elegant but working now.

Would love to see a warning system.
(After first check message user and save current nick. After X sec check again and kick then if still same nick, else start again.)
Great Script. Works just fine for me.
Can you pls write a similar script for Channelnames?
hello programmer I did not understand the system of plugins download but I'd like to have this plugin on my TS3 so I wanted to ask you if you can post a video on YT and send it to me via email
Next time give an example on how to use this plugin. I don't see how anyone can use this.
There is an example right on the info page and you also receive a generator which generates the regex string for you to enter in the text fields....
A must have for every TS!
Great job Multivitamin. I'm not getting trolls anymore! Thanks for that!
It's a good idea for that addon but it doesn't work at all, I tried it with the Regax Format and the normal, well it didn't worked.
Funktioniert Super bei mir das Regex Format blockt wirklich alles.
Richtig Cooles Script
Good, but:
If a User is already connected, and changes then his username, he don't get kicked
Did you check the Logs? Maybe the Bot already Reports that he has not enough Permissions to kick the User,
I will do some tests later this week
not working anymore