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TS3 Jail 2.1.1

No permission to download

Reviews 4.26 star(s) 20 reviews

Works perfectly ! Thanks !!

Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch)
Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64
ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.3.0)
Sinusbot Version: 1.0.0-beta.5-b262b6a
Use !jhelp for ALL commands:

Jail Bot Usage:

Getting a List of all Jailed Clients:

Jailing a Client PERMANENTLY:
!jail Some Client
!jail abcdefghi/jklmnopq123456789a=
!jail Some

Jailing a Client TEMPORARY
You can jail a client temporary by writing a duration in front of his name

!jail 100 hours abcdefghi/jklmnopq123456789a=

Valid times are: Second(s), Minutes(s), Hours(s), Day(s)!

For unjailing a Client:
!unjail <clienturl|uid|namepart>
I love this script sadly it is not adding the group when they get jailed I have tried what you said before.
what exactly did you try?
does the bot have enough permissions to add the group?
how does your config look like?
Works perfeclty
One of greatest scripts!
Bot in new version there is no way to add groups which are allowed to jail clients. Typing servergroup number, servergroup box shows, I click them and... nothing happens :-)
yes the group box is a bit bad, you need to click at the very beginning of the box add your number and press enter
Works pretty well, i can jail my friends on my teamspeak. 10/10 would do again
thx man !!!!
Works Perfectly
hello , instead of moving the person you could make you write !jail (nickname) grupid 10min
Script works exactly as it is suppose to. So far. I love it.
Latest update allows jailing clients based off of keywords. Allows to add groups which can't be attacked.
Bestens :)
Good idea :)
Works quite good
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