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Teamspeak Server Query

Teamspeak Server Query 1.0.1

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Teamspeak Server Query

This script can show server information of other teamspeak 3 servers in a specified channel.
It allows the monitoring of multiple servers.

In addition it allows the user to directly query a teamspeak 3 server by privat messaging the bot.

Keep in mind that a teamspeak query connection will get banned for 5 minutes if it sends more than 10 queries per 3 second if you dont whitelist the sinusbots ip!

Sometimes the TS Query wont respond - Please message me if this happens to you as it seems to be depended on the server and i need to collect more data about that

  • Move the script file to the script folder
  • Edit the sinusbot config file to give this script "net" permissions
    • [Scripts.Privileges]
    • TeamspeakServerQuery = ["net"]

The following commands are supported:
  • !ts <command> : Executes the specified command on the currently selected server
  • !ts_list : Lists all saved TS servers
  • !ts_select <id> : Connects to the selected TS server
  • !ts_info : Shows connection information about the currently selected TS server
  • !ts_connect <server:queryPort>: Connects to the specified TS server
  • !ts_disconnect : Disconnects from the current TS server
  • !ts_login <name> <password>: Adds credentials or tries to login with the saved credentials
  • !ts_save <serverName> <overwrite>: Saves the currently selected TS server and if set the credentials. Set overwrite to 1 to overwrite the settings
  • !ts_delete <id> : Deletes a connection from the database
  • !ts_help : Displays this message

Supported Placeholders for channel name and description
  • %s - Status
  • %v - Version
  • %n - Name
  • %w - Welcome Message
  • %u - Current Users
  • %umax - Max Users

Feedback or suggestions are welcome.

==This Script was requested by Mike Lundberg==

First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Teamspeak Server Query 1.0.1

    Fixed a bug with connection loss on tcp connections
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