• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Resources by Tuetchen

Source RCON Query Tuetchen
Allows controlling of a server with the source rcon protocol
Private Channel Manager Tuetchen
Creates channels for each user entering a specified lobby and sets him as channel owner
Game Server Query Tuetchen
TS3 Game Server Query 2.3.1
Shows information about multiple game servers on a channel.
Automatic Channel Group Assigner Tuetchen
Automatically assigns a channel group when a user joins a specific channel
Steam User Query Tuetchen
Gives Information about the current status of a Steam User by assigning a Server Group
Weather Information Tuetchen
Gives Information about the weather forecast of a chosen city as a channels description or name
Alternating Channel Descriptions Tuetchen
Alternate between a predefined set of Channel Descriptions
Server Group Timer Tuetchen
Restricts the access to specific Server Groups for a specified Duration for each Client
Steam Level Query Tuetchen
Assigns Server Groups based on the Clients Steam Level
Automatic Server Group Assigner Tuetchen
Automatically assigns a ServerGroup when a user joins a specific channel or gets another ServerGroup
Alerts a Client with a specified message whenever he gets a specific Server Group assigned
Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner Tuetchen
Assigns Server Groups for the most played recent Steam Games for each Client
Volume Keeper Tuetchen
Maintaining a predetermined volume in a predetermined range
Server Join Alert Tuetchen
Automatically alerts every admin when a user without server groups connects
Teamspeak Server Query Tuetchen
Allows to query other Teamspeak servers or periodically show information about these servers
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