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TS3 Youtube Search 1.3.4

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Reviews 3.65 star(s) 31 reviews

when requesting links it plays different songs
I could not do.
My address for help:https://www.facebook.com/TribleOnur

<16:55:53> "TRibleOnuR": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwDHY_M_jFc
<16:55:53> "MüzikBotu": Search failed (Bad request)
Having trouble getting it to work, checked the version and followed all the steps for the API key but no luck
2016-06-18T23:30:40+02:00 TypeError: 'qyt' is not a function at <anonymous>:80:41
2016-06-18T23:30:40+02:00 [youtube] Append to queue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhGzae-tUFo

Remember update your bot to latest version
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