• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. L

    More than 6 Bots

    Hello, I bought the Sinusbot license at the beginning of the year and can create 6 bots, that's clear to me, but I would like to create more bots, is there a way to do that? Maybe another license or something? Thanks in advance :)
  2. fex1011

    Stream command not working

    hello, Installed sinusbot on windows 10 on my computer (for testing purpose) to connect to a distant teamspeak 3 server and everything works fine. play, yt, ytdl and stream commands all work just fine. Then i tried to install the bot with the exact same versions on the debian where the ts3...
  3. G

    EN New command : list [SOLVED]

    Hello, I want to create a list command for the bot for list all tracks in a message. Here are 4 different commands but none succeeds, I have an error each time
  4. D

    Solved Ein Script erstellen ! Nur wie mache ich das ?

    Sehr geehrte Leser und Leserinnen, Ich habe einen Sinus-Bot auf einem Server und würde diesen gerne so+ einstellen: User X schreibt Command und der Bot gibt eine Antwort! z.B Der Spieler schreibt den Bot !help und der Bot schreibt: Hilfe kannst du per E-Mail oder im TeamSpeak erhalten. Wie...
  5. C

    Ts3 Joint Nicht

    Ich hatte gestern mein Rootserver neu installiert davor hat der Bot nie probleme gemacht ich habe ihn dann neu installiert Rootserver und Bot seitdem bekomme ich immer denn Fehler habe alle tipps des Forum schon probiert nichts hat funktioniert. Fehler: 2019-10-06T13:33:30+02:00 Storing...
  6. D

    Bot will nicht Starten

    ========================================================== SINUSBOT RELATED SYSTEM INFORMATION - Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8.11 (jessie) - Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-0.bpo.9-amd64 x86_64 - Load Average: 0.42 0.29 0.14 - Uptime: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes, 46 seconds - OS x64 check: OK -...
  7. M

    Sinusbot - TS3 connection problem

    Hello, I can't find solution to fix my problem. I just reinstalled sinusbot by using your script from this site: https://sinusbot-installer.de/ My Specs: SinusBot version: 1.0.0-beta.3-735814e TS3 Client version: 3.3.0 Server version: 3.9.1 OS: Debian 9 64 bit Hardware specs: VPS on net-speak.pl...
  8. januardi panggabean


    Starting the SinusBot. For first time. Failed to read password, try a reinstall again. please help me guys o_O😔
  9. I


    Hi, I restored a backup of my teamspeak server and I have installed the sinusbot but when I am going to start the bot my server teamspeak crashes and the bot doesn't go on.. how I can resolve it? 2019-04-24T17:59:04+02:00 TSClient quit. 2019-04-24T17:59:03+02:00 New connection status 0; Error...
  10. ItsD4rkZ

    [Ger] Bot ruckelt

    Hey Leute, ich habe nun schon seit mehreren Tagen das Problem, dass sich meine zwei Sinusbots anhören als währen es Roboter. Sie ruckeln und noch schlimmer sie spielen die Musik alle paar Minuten mal in Zeitlupe ab. An meinem Server kann es nicht liegen der hat eine gute Anbindung, 8 Kerne, 32...
  11. F

    EN [Request] Come script improvements

    Hi, i use !come script (https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/come.12/), but I would like to restrict it. My idea: both commands (!come & !goaway) would available only from BOT's default channel (e.g BOT Channel). That means no one else can use the BOT because it is already in use. I have...
  12. lwer0

    TS3 !RandomKick Remastered [Working] 1.0

    RandomKick script didn't work anymore because of the SinusBot API updates so there's a new version working in 2018! Just use !rkick to have fun!
  13. Ephiria

    Solved How to add this radio station?

    Hii guys, Can anyone help me to add this radio station: https://live.slam.nl/slam-nonstop to my bot?
  14. F

    EN Admins Status if online or no

    A script that show the status of the selected server group in the description of a channel. As example: Admin 1. AdminName1 --> Status: online --> Channel: thechanneloftheadmin(if private don't show it --> Online since: --- 2. AdminName2 --> Status: online --> Channel: thechanneloftheadmin(if...
  15. T

    EN Request for a RainBow Six Siege API for TS3

    HI guys, i want know if u can make a script to work with the rainbow six siege api for all users on teamspeak3. I know that's working on discord with this plugin https://bots.discord.pw/bots/264193410141913088 but i never see this feature in teamspeak3. You have here the web page to do it...
  16. Koby

    More than 2 discord bots

    Hello, is it possible to have more than 2 discord bots? Greetings Koby
  17. veaex

    My Bot dont start

    Hello, my Bot didnt start... what can i do? ~Max OS: Ubuntu 17.10 Ram: 24GB Cores: 6 Cores 2018-03-16T15:27:18+01:00 Server seems broken or unreachable. Maybe ICY? Trying GET
  18. Marek1

    Bot verbindet auf Server 3.1.0 nicht.

    Ich habe einen Sinusbot (Version: on Windows) und mein Bot verbindet sich auf meinen Server nicht. Der Server hat Version 3.1.0. Ich soll den Client updaten, bloß dann gibt es nach der Installation des Clients ein Problem, das ihm anscheinend etwas fehlt.
  19. PeanutbutterB0B

    Extracting bot fail

    So I'm following this command list by the letter: https://wiki.sinusbot.com/en:guides:installation:linux It downloads but when I try to do the extraction part I get this: :/opt/sinusbot# tar -xjf sinusbot-beta.tar.bz2 tar (child): bzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory tar (child)...
  20. D

    won't fix It doesn't show any voice channel (Discord)

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.x Problem Description I let the bot connect to my Discord server but it doesn't show any channels so i cant let it join. it has admin permission so it should be able to see all channels.
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