• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

feature request

  1. Kilian57

    [Feature] Expand Play folder feature

    Hey there, I recently started to use the play folder function a lot more because I didn't want to create playlists for everyone. I noticed some inconveniences. 1. After queuing anything, the playback doesn't resume This bothers me the most. I'd love it if the bot would just go back to what was...
  2. s.p.a.c.e.

    [Feature request] Clear commands channel

    A !clear command would be nice to clear out the entire channel of commands. I am not asking for something that clears the Bot's responses only, but also all the commands. It would also be nice if it was automatic and something that could be an option, but if not I understand
  3. Caudex

    Feature request - Variablen in der Config verwenden

    Ich konnte als Thread-Prefix nicht das "Feature" auswählen, das sollte dann eben jemand mit den entsprechenden Rechten dazu anpassen. Ich habe gründlich das Forum über die foruminterne Suche sowie über Google versucht ein solches Feature zu benutzen, Ich habe es leider nicht gefunden und mich...
  4. V

    Export all music files

    It would be very nice to have an option to be able to get all the music files inserted into SinusBot with the correct names. I can see all the files in C:\SinusBot\data\store\<some encrypted code> but their names are encrypted too😔
  5. Kamikaze

    Feature Request | Client Online

    I'm not sure but I think I couldn't find any similar. Would be nice if there is a function like Client.isOnline() which returns a boolean. Yes you can do loopy-loops through the Server and compare client with all online clients, but just a simple function would be nice. Because as example...
  6. VerHext

    Feature request - streamToServer function for audio input

    TeamSpeak ist eine Voice Plattform, dazu gehört auch für mich der Voice Input. Daher wünsche ich mir einen Erweiterung der Script Engine um einen Funktion streamToServer(url, username, password, type) type = input ; output jedoch nicht nur für den Voice Output sondern...
  7. Nisutec

    Channel Commander & Talk Power

    Hallo, Es wäre toll wenn man bei der Api noch hinzufügen könnte, das man Leuten Channel Commander geben kann, und abfragen kann wer alles Channel Commander hat. Es wäre auch gut wenn man die Möglichkeit hätte Leuten talkpower zu geben in einem Channel wo man nicht reden kann, und eine abfrage...
  8. S

    !registration bug and Discord role feature

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to inform you that !registration disable doesn't seem to work. The bot doesn't answer, and I think the registration doesn't get disabled. The other thing is that I saw "support Discord roles" in the changelog and I thought I could manage permissions through the...
  9. T

    Is there a Handy Connection

    I wanted to ask if there will be an handy app where you can control the bot. Like a sinusbot app. And if so can i have the script please?
  10. EchtkPvL

    [Feature Request] Database cleanup

    Hi, I just realised, that the SinusBot doesn't clean up old entries (from deleted scripts) from the database. My Feature Request is something like a button, which can only be used by the user "Admin", which will manually (NOT automatically) clean the database. Best regards Jonas
  11. AMD2600

    LDAP user support (Feature Request)

    After searching the forum, I am somewhat surprised no one else has brought this up yet. It would be fantastic if Sinusbot was capable of getting its user credentials from LDAP (Or Active Directory if you're a Microsoft person). Even better if it supports filters and best with SSL. I host other...
  12. I

    Retrieve needed talk power

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.10.8-71ba94b TS3 Version: Feature Request: It would be great to be able to retrieve the needed talk power for a given channel. Currently it's only possible to set the needed talk power via 'Channel.update()' or 'Backend.createChannel()'...
  13. VerHext

    Show missing Permission (Feature request)

    Feature request Ich würde mich freuen wen der Sinusbot im log eine Error über fehlende Permission zeigt. Es ist immer wieder schwierig, herauszufinden an was die Aktion gescheitert ist. Einen kleine hinweis, in form eines Errors wäre hier vorteilhaft. (P.s. Ich kann mit dem Rechtesystem...
  14. Lala Sabathil


    Hallo @flyth es wäre toll, wenn du es irgendwie schaffen würdest, dass das setDescription im Scripten so funktioniert, dass die Beschreibung von anderen Clients geändert werden kann. Geht ja noch nicht.
  15. B

    won't fix sinusbot creates PID

    Operating System: Linux (systemd based) SinusBot Version: 0.9.12 TS3 Version: 3.0.12 Hi there! I was writing a systemd-service for sinusbot today to make startup of my teamspeak-server a little bit more convenient. I noticed that sinusbot is not creating any PID file, which would complete the...
  16. felixgrundmann

    Feature Hochgelade Musik downloaden

    Guten Tag! Wenn man Musik zB. mit YT-DL auf den Sinusbot hochlädt, dann wird ja die Audio-/VideoDatei konvertiert. Die Idee: Es wäre ein cooles Feature, wenn man die Musik als Audiodateien (mp3/...) von Sinusbot auf seinen PC downloaden könnte bzw. die Musik vor/nach dem Download...
  17. S

    Teamspeak command to start the bot again?

    Feature Idea: I think you should add a teamspeak command like "!start" to make the bot start playing again after someone does, for example, "!stop". Thanks, Superman.
  18. irgendwr

    Feature Collection of feature requests, bugs and documentation issues

    This is just a collection of stuff that could be changed, it's probably not an ideal solution but at least better than sending an individual message to @flyth each time ^^ If you have more ideas post them in thread and I might add them. :) NOTE: This thread is outdated! feature requests: - add...
  19. A

    Feature Channel permissions

    This is a simple (or maybe not :)) feature request for the sinusbot api (scripting). With the given functions: channelCreate(params channelParams) bool channelUpdate(channelId int, params channelParams) bool you cannot set any of those rights: i_client_needed_talk_power...
  20. AltBen

    Feature permission system | User Homes/Playlists and Shared Folders/Playlists

    [English] Sorry, im german, so this is a short english form Hello, I have an idea for an sinusbot feature. I think it would be a good idea to add user specific homes and global folders, so that an admin can choose if the user can write only in his folder and not in the global folder or in...
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