• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. BadassOverlord

    EN [Support] Adding a new line

    Hi, So I was making a quick script for the bot. Basically what it does is it looks for a chat command and replies to the person who used the command with some text. I'm trying to make a !help command that shows all the commands available to the bot, and as well how to upload/queue up songs...
  2. J

    Sinusbot Autostart Script

    Hallo, ich habe ein problem, undzwar: ich hätte es gerne so das der Sinsubot automatisch Neustartet wenn mein VServer crasht. Ich benutze die 0.9.9 und Linux Debain 8 64 Bit :) Bitte um hilfe :D
  3. Patschi

    DE diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot Diagnostik Script

    diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot Diagnostik Script Was ist es? diagSinusbot.sh sammelt einige wichtige Informationen über das Betriebssystem und die Bot-Installation. Wenn die Ausführung abgeschlossen ist, gibt das Script die Informationen aus, direkt zum Kopieren und Einfügen in den Beitrag im...
  4. Patschi

    EN diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script

    diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script What is it? diagSinusbot.sh collects some important diagnostic data about the operating system and the bot installation. When finished it returns informative information, ready to copy and paste it in the support section in the sinusbot forum. The...
  5. Xaron

    [HELP]Changing the command language (change in Turkish)

    Where is the directory where the script? I installed on Windows Server 2008 r2 rope: Thank you help
  6. Dutch_Player

    Solved Bot is not starting

    So as i am a total nub i have no clue what to do, i have read the installation guide but i did not get much of it. So as i don't know much about these things etc i need some help fixing my problems. https://gyazo.com/0e05d3b30d552a96a39f9811c80a6ae1 This is the message what i get, ts3 quit...
  7. B

    How do others login to the webserver

    How do others login to the webserver?
  8. V

    HELP ( How to put bot in a server )

    I wanna put the sinus bot to a server, do not be hosted by my computer
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