• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. G

    EN getChannelGroup dont update

    Hello, I have the problem that in the following code the channel group is set only once. If you want to check the updated group again, the old value still exists. When the bot or the bot reconnects it will be updated and the code will do what it should do but after that you have to reconnect...
  2. smartmimo

    EN !help command duplicated message

    Hello guys, I created a simple script that basically stands by waiting for someone to type !help then sending a custom message, but the problem I'm encountring is that it first sends the default "Hello, I'm the SinusBot. At your service." then my desired message. How can I prevent the bot from...
  3. peco65814

    Can Someone Help me Pls

    My bot can't connect to a server Here's the log 2018-08-09T20:44:55-05:00 TSClient quit. 2018-08-09T20:44:54-05:00 New connection status 0; Error 0 2018-08-09T20:44:54-05:00 The bot could not connect. This might have several reasons: the server doesn't exist at that address, the server password...
  4. Ephiria

    Solved How to add this radio station?

    Hii guys, Can anyone help me to add this radio station: https://live.slam.nl/slam-nonstop to my bot?
  5. N

    Cant install TS3 in SinusBot

    So I tried the automatic installation, and the manual, but I cant install TS3 to sinusbot with neither.
  6. Keinchi

    i don't understand how to increase my bot security level

    in this site >>> https://wiki.sinusbot.com/en:guides:installation:increase_security_level i didn't understand this ... i want to increase my bot level but idon't know how ! help me please guys , thanks <3
  7. N

    Sinusbot Not Starting

    So today i restarted my sinusbot, and when i wanted to start it, it won't start. It shows up for a second in task manager, but after that is closes automatically. I tried to add it to the firewall, or run as administrator, but it still won't start what so ever.
  8. N

    Whenever I install a script I get this message.

    So guys, yesterday I created a TS3 server, it was very cool n stuff. But when I wanted install 3rd scripts, i couldn't. This is the error message i get on every 3rd script. Its the "failed" bit. Thanks for help guys, i really want to install that script.
  9. Daddy_Ahex

    Solved Bot is not connecting to my teamspeak server.

    The bot is not connecting to my teamspeak server. I already reinstalled / deleted all files and it's still not working. Can someone who got some experience tell me what the problem is? Down here is the "Instanz-Log": Thanks for helping me out! :)
  10. Jakub Vel

    Website panel

    I want to music.skycitycz.com point to my panel ip and port 8087 so if user go to music.skycitycz.com he will see the sinusbot panel... I have cpanel and im managing records using cloudflare
  11. S

    Error: Bot doesn't join on server

    I installed the bot last week. On the first day, the bot joined my TS³ Server, but both Bots were muted and without sound. After that I restarted the Sinusbot. Now they don't join any more on my Server. Here is my LogFile (level 10): 2018/03/30 13:34:02 06e226d6 e712eba9 DEBUG Could not insert...
  12. veaex

    My Bot dont start

    Hello, my Bot didnt start... what can i do? ~Max OS: Ubuntu 17.10 Ram: 24GB Cores: 6 Cores 2018-03-16T15:27:18+01:00 Server seems broken or unreachable. Maybe ICY? Trying GET
  13. C

    Missing GLIBC_214

    When i try to start sinusbot it just said starting the bot and the said ts3client quit straight away so i tryed doing a teamspeak3 server and then it said this! [root@Apolloheaven TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64]# sh ts3client_runscript.sh ./ts3client_linux_amd64: /lib64/libc.so.6: version...
  14. pax


    Can someone help me to install sinusbot on ubuntu? i go so far there. http://prntscr.com/idvxmd
  15. heyhoy

    EN How can I write my own script?

    Hey im Danny and im really new to this bot. My question is how can i write my own script and in what programming language is it? In wich program should i code it? ty for your replies ;D have a great day
  16. 7quit

    Bot disconnectet einfach warum?

    Hallo, meine Bot´s sind einfach gestern offline gegangen, warum?
  17. hugolaurens

    Solved SinusBot ne se lance plus

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: I don't know TS3 Version: 3.1.6 bonjour enfaîte-je souhaite avoir sinusbot sur Windows sauf que cela ne marche pas, il me dit de télécharger une version plus vieille sauf que j'ai déjà essayer cela ne marche pas donc et qu'il a un moyen de régler...
  18. D. Shukla

    API not working

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: Latest TS3 Version: 3.0.9 Problem Description Basically, I'm trying to setup an API for the TTS - When I do that I get this screen when attempting to run it through postman is there something I'm doing wrong? It's not even showing the login...
  19. Erik444

    Solved help with coding script

    how to make !command [optional argument] i have this if(ev.msg == '!abrazo' && ' ') { var msg = config.message; msg = msg.replace('%n', ev.clientNick); msg = msg.replace('%r'...
  20. T


    Hi! I start the bot with ./sinusbot. But I cant detach it or close Putty without killing the sinusbotsession. Pls Help me ;=)
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