• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.



    Solved "This version has expired" Bot not starting

    0.9.16 without problems but ı updated 0.9.18. not working not starting windows 10 pro 64 bit teamspeak 64 bit version
  2. Hansel

    EN [Request] Steam sever stats

    Hello, I would like to see the server status like on the site https://steamstat.us/. I would like to see different things like (steam store & steam community & steam CMs with offcource the status behind it) in the description of a channel. Im not a skilled programmer i can't make a script but...
  3. DeaDislanD

    EN isAway()

    I have a problem how can I utilize the isAway () function? Please help me !! Sorry for my bad english. I am from Poland
  4. W

    Radios need help

    I'm from Portugal , and i want to put this radios "http://www.orbital.pt/" and "http://cidade.iol.pt/" playing on my bot , someone help me pls
  5. F

    Can't use TS3 Properly anymore

    Operating System: Windows 10 SinusBot Version: 0.9.? TS3 Version: Problem Description Everytime I log into TS3, it will repeat "Trial" when I try to talk, even on my other Identities it will do the same thing, I uninstalled SinusBot, TS3 and deleted all config files and it still...
  6. Zippy4Blue

    TTS Doesn't Work

    Hello everyone, I am trying to use the TTS feature on sinus bot but I can't get it working. I am trying this link: http://www.ispeech.org/p/generic/getaudio?text=__TEXT&voice=__LOCALE&speed=0&action=convert for the TTS link but when I do !say TEXT It doesn't do anything. Solutions anyone...
  7. J

    Can Some Saviour Please Help Me? SinusBot wont start ...

    2016-12-02T16:59:15+11:00 BOT-CONFIG [admin] CHAN CHANPW ANNOUNCE DESCRIPTION ANNOUNCESTR TTSURL CC OK 2016-12-02T16:48:37+11:00 Storing configuration. 2016-12-02T16:48:22+11:00 Closed. 2016-12-02T16:48:22+11:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more...
  8. FreezeMc

    I need help with multiple problems/questions.

    Version: 9.15 Operating system: Windows 10 Specs short: i5 processor, 32 RAM (I know...), GTX 980 Ti Browser: Google Chrome Hello people, Been using Sinusbot for a while now and like many others people enjoy the music but like the title betrays I got problems. I am myself not a real...
  9. ravage007

    some help with the play list

    so I was in a TeamSpeak server where you could do a whole YouTube playlist to play but I just installed this bot on my server and no it's the same bot and will not work any help ty
  10. ravage007

    need help can't get my butt into the server

    help can't get my butt into the server from my vps but but installing it on my computer i can here the log help if you can ty / __|_ _| \| | | | / __| _ )/ _ \_ _| \__ \| || .` | |_| \__ \ _ \ (_) || | |___/___|_|\_|\___/|___/___/\___/ |_| (C) 2013-2015 Michael Friese. All rights...
  11. F

    ducking doesn't work

    i just Enable ducking but it doesn't work on the music when my friend speak to me. Enable ducking at 100% but it work only for me what i can do?
  12. Deathasti

    erhöte Rechte benötigt/need more permission

    OS: Windows 10 64bit Version: 0.9.15 Hardware:i7 3,6ghz,8Gb Ram Browser: Google Chrome Config: TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe" ListenHost = "" DataDir = "C:\\SinusBot\\data\\" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback = false EnableLocalFS = false...
  13. B

    SinusBot broken after every restart

    Hello, I have currently installed the latest SinusBot version on my Ubuntu Server 15.10 Server. If I first start SinusBot after installation, it will work just fine. If I try to start SinusBot a second time (e.g. when my Server restarted or when I just restart SinusBot) it won't work. It just...
  14. Modather

    Small help with youtube-dll.

    Hello Guys, first of all i tried many time to lunch youtube-dl (without sinusbot) and it worked fine but when i tried to put the path of youtube-dl in the config i got the next error --------------------------- SinusBot --------------------------- Could not read configuration file: Near line 10...
  15. S

    Allow Guests

    Hi everyone! I downloaded sinusbot yesterday, and registered 10 minutes ago, because I had a question, so yes; I am very new. My question is how to make it so everyone that joins the channel your bot is in, can do !yt, !next, etc without them having to register and then me having to give them...
  16. Zippy4Blue

    How to find direct link of streams?

    Hello all, I've been using this bot for a few days and It is AMMMMMAZZZZINGGG!. I am wondering where I would be able to find the direct stream link for STREAM. If you could find it, it would be amazing! Thanks guys love the amazing support!!!!!!!
  17. P

    Sinusbot opens but the CMD closes right away

    used version: 0.9.8 used operating system: Windows 10 64-Bit hardware specs: intel core i5-4690K CPU @ 3.50Hz, 16 Gig Ram, used browser: Google Crhome your config.ini: TS3Path = "C:\SinusBot\TeamSpeak 3 Client\ts3client_win32" ListenHost = "" ListenPort = 8087 Right when I open up...
  18. BuckFoi

    Website Wont show up

    I get an error message when i try to connect to your website to start the bot.
  19. P

    SinusBot Error "Höhere Rechte!"

    Tach Zusammen Ich habe ein problem mit dem SinusBot und zwar immer wen ich auf den ON knopf oder Connect knopf Drücke kommt das in meiner System: Windows 10 Ts3: Neuste Version eig soltle Systembedingt alles gut genug sein! CMD
  20. W

    No account users permissions?

    I am wondering if users that don't have a registered can use commands like !yt <url>? So to be clear, i'll give you an example. Bill joins the channel for the first time ever and wants to play a song, he doesn't have an account so he has no permissions. Is there anyway Bill can get permissions...
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