• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. amiras90

    Error In Start Bot

    Hi Guys help pls
  2. DuelistRage

    Login Link

    Hallo liebe SinusBot Community, eine simple und schnelle frage, ist es möglich einen Link auf meiner Website einzubinden, der einen Direkt auf das SinusBot Webinterface weiterleitet und einloggt?
  3. CaptainTeck

    Kein Login möglich - Keine Reaktion auf Login Seite

    Moin Moin, ich habe den Sinusbot erfolgreich mit dem Installer Script installiert doch sobald ich mich einloggen möchte reagiert nichts wenn ich auf "Login" klicke. Egal welchen Benutzername oder Passwort ich dort eingebe auch bei "xyz" und "abc" gibt er mir keine Fehlermeldung das es falsch...
  4. ManuPlaysLP

    Login-Seite hat kein Design mehr

  5. W

    Cannot login to web interface

    Hi, I have a problem when trying to login to web interface. I type my username and password, click login and nothing happens. I have already tried deleting the data folder but the problem still occurs. Thanks for help in advance
  6. MLGTaiwanec

    Web login for others

    Operating System: Windows / Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.x TS3 Version: 3.x.x Problem Description So I've been using the Sinus Bot for a few weeks now, and I think the bot is missing something very useful. When I'm using the bot with a couple of my friends and I'm AFK, they often play songs via...
  7. S

    Solved Sinusbot on vServer / Sinusbot auf vServer

    [ENGLISH] Hello, I've installed the bot on my vServer, nothing gone wrong, but if i want to open my webinterface, appeared an error by firefox "Connection failed" and something else with SSL. Now theres no connection to the Server; i'll add informations if i know more. Sorry for the bad...
  8. A

    Bug Default theme in config isn't working

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: 0.9.18 TS3 Version: Problem Description Hello, Tonight I wanted to connect to the bot as every time I had nothing touch at the config.ini level and login page any bug I let you watch on this screenshot http://prntscr.com/eqg6zd My default...
  9. magliolo

    Solved Siousbot can't log in ts3 server

    Specs system: VPS ovh O.S. : Debian 8 x64 RAM : 2 GB CPU : 1v Core (RAM and cpu both always loaded with 2%-10%) Issues: When i try to logg in servers with the webinterface i receive this: 2016/12/03 16:17:53 eae04b5a c371b045 DEBUG Could not delete from Notificationsno such table: Notifications...
  10. magliolo

    Bug Siousbot can't login to the server

    Specs system: VPS ovh O.S. : Debian 8 x64 RAM : 2 GB CPU : 1v Core (RAM and cpu both always loaded with 2%-10%) Issues: When i try to logg in servers with the webinterface i receive this: 2016/12/03 16:17:53 eae04b5a c371b045 DEBUG Could not delete from...
  11. D

    Login Unauthorized with deflaut informations

    Hello, I have just install the sinusbot with the installer and (on first launch) it logged tp my localhost server, and after is wasn't able to restart it. When i launch it with the sinusbot user there is an error And when I start it as root (with the argument -RunningAsRootIsEvilAndIKnowThat)...
  12. Zerol

    Solved Kann mich nicht im Interface einloggen!

    Guten Tag. Ich habe da ein grosses Problem! Ich habe den SinusBot installiert und er startet auch! Nun habe ich das Problem, dass wenn ich mich im Webinterface einloggen möchte eine Fehlermeldung kommt wo "Unauthorized" steht also nicht autorisiert. Kann mir da jemand helfen? Hier...
  13. Eplex

    Let TS users log into Bot panel

    Hey there I am fairly new to all of this and I want to know if I can let some of my TS users log into the website ( to change settings and add songs? Or is that not possible?
  14. D

    Webinterface für Freunde

    Wie kann ich Freunden zugang zum Webinterface verschaffen? bitte um schnelle antwort
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