• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Qhiliqq

    Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

    ### German ### Support hier! Offiziell unterstützte Linux Versionen: Debian 8+ Ubuntu 16.10+ CentOS 7+ Hey ;) Da viele Personen das Problem haben den Bot zu installieren, habe ich einen Installer geschrieben, welcher alles wichtige installiert. Funktionen: Installieren des Bots in ein...
  2. NT5

    TS3 Youtube Search 1.3.4

    Search youtube video! ------- Features: Search videos Retrieve information from youtube links sended from chat Download/Play directly from command Queue playback TS Groups permissions Video filters Discord ------- Format values: {title} - Video title {description} - Video Description...
  3. NT5

    osu!stats 1.1

    Osu! website: http://osu.ppy.sh/ API Documentation: https://github.com/ppy/osu-api/wiki Simple osu! command Usage: !osu [m|gamode|mode]:<player name> Example: Specific gamemode: !osu m:standar [ NT5 ] Default gamemode: !osu [ NT5 ] ------ Source code: https://github.com/NT5/Sinusbot-Scripts...
  4. Multivitamin

    TS3 Jail 2.1.1

    This Script will allow you to Lock Clients into a Channel with one Command! You can choose between Permanently or Temporary Locking them into a Channel! If the Client tries to leave the Channel or Reconnect then he will be automatically moved back into the Jail Channel. Features: Auto Jail...
  5. Frizzant

    EN Follow Script + Stop on disconnect

    Hello There I was thinking about making a simple follow script with my friend. Since i am not the best programmer (which you may have noticed, when i was asking for some help), i was hoping to get the opportunity to make a "follow <user>" script with my friend. I don't know if you api is secret...
  6. BadassOverlord

    EN [Support] Adding a new line

    Hi, So I was making a quick script for the bot. Basically what it does is it looks for a chat command and replies to the person who used the command with some text. I'm trying to make a !help command that shows all the commands available to the bot, and as well how to upload/queue up songs...
  7. link

    Script don't show up in scripts section !

    Hi sinuboters, I have a problem when i download and copy the script in the scripts folder and reboot it, i can't find them in the webinterface section Thank's in advance.
  8. X

    Solved PLEASE CLOSE [DE] Youtube-dl Fehler

    Hey Leute hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen also: Wenn ich beim mein Sinusbot aktuellste beta mit script funktion irgendwas von youtube downloaden will zeigt er mir ein komischen Fehler. Hab ihn mal unschön markiert SIEHE HIER . Weis jemand woran das liegt? System: Betriebssystem...
  9. Patschi

    DE diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot Diagnostik Script

    diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot Diagnostik Script Was ist es? diagSinusbot.sh sammelt einige wichtige Informationen über das Betriebssystem und die Bot-Installation. Wenn die Ausführung abgeschlossen ist, gibt das Script die Informationen aus, direkt zum Kopieren und Einfügen in den Beitrag im...
  10. Patschi

    EN diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script

    diagSinusbot.sh - Sinusbot diagnostic script What is it? diagSinusbot.sh collects some important diagnostic data about the operating system and the bot installation. When finished it returns informative information, ready to copy and paste it in the support section in the sinusbot forum. The...
  11. omano

    EN Problem with track

    I'm writing a script to ba able to set a command that will play set track. Here is where I am: /* */ registerPlugin({ name: 'Commandes custom track', version: '0', description: 'Script supposed to assign a comand/string msg to a track', author: 'omano', vars: {...
  12. D

    Solved [Windows] Scripts verfügbar / installieren

    Moin Moin, ich weiß zwar, dass es die Möglichkeit gibt diverse Scripte unter Linux einzubinden, aber ist es auch möglich diese unter Windows einzufügen? Da es keinen Ordner scripts gibt, gehe ich aktuell nicht davon aus.
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