• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Mr_MazAXaka

    EN (Search) Status in the game in the description

    👋Good day, I wondered if there is such a script or can someone do something similar?🤔 For the bot to hang the server group, for example, "🎮IN GAME" and in the user description he wrote %namegame% well, and the full name of the steam game? (Example) How it is done in this script Steam Status...
  2. Multivitamin

    TS3 Steam Authentication 1.0.0

    In order to connect the steam id with the teamspeak user you can start by sending the bot the command !steam and then follow the instructions which the bot gives you!
  3. DrWarpMan

    TS3 Steam Status 0.2

    This script is no longer maintained/supported. It may or may not work. Steam Status Shows Steam status of configured Steam users in specified channel name Idea: @tommiczek Author: @DrWarpMan Additional information: Script uses Steam Web API to look up the current status of a specified Steam...
  4. K

    Vac Ban durch den Bot

    Hallo Leute, ich kenne mich nicht wirklich mit der Programmierung aus. Deshalb frage ich nur zur Sicherheit, hab auch nix im Internet gefunden gehabt :D Kann man durch den Sinusbot auf Steam einen Vac ban oder auf anderen Dienste gebannt werden wenn es im Hintergrund läuft? Oder kann man es ohne...
  5. Tuetchen

    Steam Level Query 1.1

    Steam Level Query This script assigns specific predefined Server Group to a Client depending on their current Steam Level. Installation Move the script file to the script folder Install the OKlib from https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/oklib.325/ Create a Steam API Key at...
  6. Relentless

    EN [Request] Add servergroup when being a member of a steam group (also DE translated)

    EN: Hello there Sinusbot-Community, it's quite a long time ago since I used sinusbot and I see that this community spent a lot of work on scripting which makes me really happy. I am still missing a script I would love to have for my new TeamSpeak server. Important is that this script should run...
  7. Tuetchen

    Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner 1.0

    Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner This script assigns server groups according to the recent (last 14 days) played games on steam. Make sure the steam profiles are set to public else the information can not be accessed. Right now due to Problems with the Sinusbot Backend this Script can...
  8. Tuetchen

    Steam User Query 1.4

    Steam User Query This script assigns a specific Server Group to a Client depending on the current State of their Steam Account. It can either simply display the online status or scan for specific games that are played. Installation Move the script file to the script folder Install the...
  9. MoritzEoG

    DE [REQUEST] Steam Status Anzeige

    Guten Tag, ich frage hier einmal nach ob es möglich ist den Steam Status von dem Bot auf dem TS darstellen zu lassen. D.h. Wenn bei Steam steht "Im Spiel CS:GO", dass auf dem TeamSpeak dann die Gruppe gesetzt wird "Spielt CS:GO". Wäre super wenn es funktionieren würde und sich einer der Sache...
  10. Hansel

    EN [Request] Steam sever stats

    Hello, I would like to see the server status like on the site https://steamstat.us/. I would like to see different things like (steam store & steam community & steam CMs with offcource the status behind it) in the description of a channel. Im not a skilled programmer i can't make a script but...
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