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Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner

Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner 1.0

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Recent Steam Game Server Group Assigner

This script assigns server groups according to the recent (last 14 days) played games on steam. Make sure the steam profiles are set to public else the information can not be accessed.

Right now due to Problems with the Sinusbot Backend this Script can create heavy load and become unstable when used for multiple Clients.

The following commands are supported:
  • !steam_userList : Lists all registered users
  • !steam_register <steamID> <clientUID> : Registers a Steam ID to a specific Client in Teamspeak - if no Client is given the current User is used instead
  • !steam_overwrite: Toggles the Overwrite Flag for your Client for the configurated external games
  • !steam_delete <clientUID> : Deletes a registration from the database - if no Client is given the current User is used instead
  • !steam_help : Displays these commands

Feedback or suggestions are welcome.

==This Script was requested by DarkMetallicBlau==
First release
Last update


3.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Hoping an update for this excellent script
dident work
Sehr gutes Script, jedoch funktioniert bei mir die Max Groups Funktion nicht: Ich setze sie auf 3 und bekomme im TS mehr als 3 Gruppen auf einmal..
Ein tolles und funktionierendes Script mit allerhand Einstellungsmöglichkeiten und guten Support. Request wunderbar umgesetzt. ;)
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