• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. E

    [ERROR] Timeout when using reverse proxy

    Hello. Im running sinusbot behind a reverse ssl proxy. I set it all up just like shown here: https://sinusbot.github.io/docs/reverse-proxy/nginx/ When i try to connect to my Webinterface after i started everything up first it all works fine and ssl also works. But when i reload the page or try...
  2. Lukas Westholt

    reloading scripts gets timeout

    Hello, sometimes after I press the "save changes"-Button in the "script"-section of the sinusbot frontend, i get a never-ending red loadingbar at the top of the page and messages in instance log: "Could not request updateChannel". This message only comes when i press the save button (and this...
  3. Brok3nmind

    EN [FIXED] setTimeout()

    My Problem was i did'nt know how to set timeouts. I fixed it myself and I hope you can do something with it. Code: function (sinusbot, config) { var event = require('event'); var engine = require('engine'); event.on('clientMove', function (ev) { if (ev.fromChannel ==...
  4. M

    EN Functions timeouts

    Hi, Just a little question, is it possible to change the timeout of a command? The thing is: I have a function that migrates data from different storage provider but it require some time (IO). That is, the command is sent via chat and timeout on bots with a lot af data to migrate. Is there...
  5. 7quit

    Bot disconnectet einfach warum?

    Hallo, meine Bot´s sind einfach gestern offline gegangen, warum?
  6. tuvok

    nach Installation Timeouts

    Hallo Ihr, schaut mal bitte was ich da falsch mache .. ich hatte den bot 1x in meinem TS nach ein ca 60sec ist er wieder rausgeflogen was ich an dieser ausgabe nicht verstehe ist, dass er mir sagt mein System wäre zu alt, dabei benutze ich ein testing System [2016-12-16 19:32:21] [WARNING]...
  7. BadassOverlord

    Timeout error

    Hello, To start off, here is the error: Timeout for retrying Basically this only happens with songs I added through youtube-dl playlist downloading feature. The URL...
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