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No Radios

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I'll try to post here once it can be removed, hopefully soon.
Any update on this, I still can't find my radio stations sadly. I tried the url, but it isn't showing anything and by default it didn't have a url for me (sorry if I am posting on another thread instead of my own).
I'v got the Porblem too,
But i can not fix it. I already have installed the Code from you, but i doesn't works ;c
Please Help! <3

seitdem ich Sinusbot auf meinem (linux) vServer neu installiert habt, findet er keine Radios mehr,
weiß jemand woran das liegen kann?

Servus, wie es der Name schon sagt, findet der Bot kein Radio

Ich gebe zb ilove ein da kommt einfach mal nichts

auch Technobase etc .. gar nichts

Ich versuche die URL's von den Streams anzugeben klappt trdm nicht da er sie nicht downloaden tuet

auf der neusten Version ist es

was kann ich machen?
It's a problem with the original XML, I'll contact them about it.
For the time being, you can add/replace this to your config.ini:

URL = "https://www.sinusbot.com/yp.xml"

Note, that I will remove it once the original service will work again. Then you should remove that lines again as well.
No Radios, i changed this in the config and restarted the Bot but still no Radios.
I made my Sinusbot instansen and then I wanted to go but the radio is not all funkzeinirt except for the radio ...

Pls help me
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