• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Sinusbot Installer Script

EN Sinusbot Installer Script 1.5

No permission to download

After mucking about myself I found your script and used it to install the sinusbot in a new user called sinusbot.
I let your script create this user itself, so all permissions should be fine.
However when I try to start the bot from the web panel, I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/1TZdXM4f
Did I somehow mess up somewhere?
I'm on Ubuntu 15.10 64bit.

After mucking about myself I found your script and used it to install the sinusbot in a new user called sinusbot.
I let your script create this user itself, so all permissions should be fine.
However when I try to start the bot from the web panel, I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/1TZdXM4f
Did I somehow mess up somewhere?
I'm on Ubuntu 15.10 64bit.
Is your ts server really on the same machine?
Alright so here I am again, apparently I cannot use youtube-dl.
Using !yt url, the bot will respond that it started downloading, and no errors show up in the log.
On the upload page on the webview however, it will display: "error, youtube-dl not available".

I've checked that the youtube-dl file is in the /usr/local/bin directory, is there some other simple thing I'm missing?
Alright so here I am again, apparently I cannot use youtube-dl.
Using !yt url, the bot will respond that it started downloading, and no errors show up in the log.
On the upload page on the webview however, it will display: "error, youtube-dl not available".

I've checked that the youtube-dl file is in the /usr/local/bin directory, is there some other simple thing I'm missing?
The config.ini in /opt/sinusbot should include a line called "YoutubeDLPath = ".
Normally there is the path included like "YoutubeDLPath = /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"

Maybe you jumped over this in the installer :)

The installer asks if the yt-dl shout be installed ;)
I'm fairly sure I told in the installer to install it, hit y on everything :)

I have this line in the config file:
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"

Turns out though that the youtube-dl file is really small though http://puu.sh/pqZFh/4c3935f141.png
Could it have been corrupted? I tried logging into the sinusbot account that the bot created and getting a new one with
curl https://yt-dl.org/downloads/2016.01.01/youtube-dl -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
but I get this error:
Warning: Failed to create the file /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl: Permission
Warning: denied
curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 3)
Maybe I need to do sudo chown sinusbot:sinusbot /usr/local/bin as the sinusbot user?

I fixed it!
I did chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo && chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo
Then logged in as sinusbot and downloaded the youtube-dl file again.
Last edited:
rip, bot doesn't start, if i do manualy, "./sinusbot", then no response at all. Ubutnu 14.04:

root@arjen:/opt# /etc/init.d/sinusbot start
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
sinusbot started successfully
root@track:/opt# /etc/init.d/sinusbot status
sinusbot is DOWN
rip, bot doesn't start, if i do manualy, "./sinusbot", then no response at all. Ubutnu 14.04:

root@arjen:/opt# /etc/init.d/sinusbot start
Using following data:
USER: sinusbot
DIR ROOT: /opt/sinusbot/
BOT RUN CMD: ./sinusbot

Starting sinusbot...
sinusbot started successfully
root@track:/opt# /etc/init.d/sinusbot status
sinusbot is DOWN

cd /opt/sinusbot

Send this log there.
Zwei Vorschläge:
  • Per Default schon den LogLevel auf 10 stellen + LogFile setzen lassen
  • echo "--force-ipv4" > /etc/youtube-dl.conf

Könnte den Aufwand erheblich verringern, wenn etwaige Probleme auftreten sollte und nachforscht
Zwei Vorschläge:
  • Per Default schon den LogLevel auf 10 stellen + LogFile setzen lassen
  • echo "--force-ipv4" > /etc/youtube-dl.conf

Könnte den Aufwand erheblich verringern, wenn etwaige Probleme auftreten sollte und nachforscht
Naja, da sollten keine Fehler entstehen :P
Kann ich machen, klar, nur ob mans brauch:P
Tar the Folder:
tar -zcvf sinusbot_backup.tar.gz /opt/ts3soundboard/
Copy it to your new Server.
Extract it.
tar -zxvf sinusbot_backup.tar.gz
Tar the Folder:
tar -zcvf sinusbot_backup.tar.gz /opt/ts3soundboard/
Copy it to your new Server.
Extract it.
tar -zxvf sinusbot_backup.tar.gz
I create backup from my old server(ubuntu) = copy ,paste by WinSCP
I install sinusbot in new server(centos) ,now.
Which files need to paste in my sinusbot(centos).
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