• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. B

    Bug Discord need help

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: 0.9.x Discord Problem Description Describe your problem in detail. What did you do exactly, what did you expect to happen and what did actually happen? after giving the bot permision to join discord Channel it wont let me move it into a room on the...
  2. iamcYtrox

    YouTube-Playlist || Bot changes song after some time.

    Hey guys, First of all I'd like to say, that I really love this bot and the project. It got so much features and everybody on the teamspeak loves to use it. Lately I tried to use the youtube-playlist feature. I converted my Spotify playlist into a youtube playlist and added it with the use of...
  3. scubiii

    Solved Sinusbot Friert ein/ Stürtzt ab

    Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) SinusBot Version: 0.10.7 TS3 Version: Problem Description Hallo ich habe Folgendes Problem, Mein Sinusbot hat nach 3-4 Stunden immer die Meldung "Siehe Code" bekommen. Dadrauf hin hat mir flyth im chat gesagt, das es an der Funktion "Set track...
  4. Pringus

    Bug Weird behavior with "audio.seek"

    Operating System: Windows SinusBot Version: 0.9.21-217b2fe TS3 Version: Problem Description Using the "audio.seek" method doesn't work. The seek bar on the webUI shows the correct time, but after seeking to a different point, the audio starts again from the beginning. Here's the...
  5. Zkitzo

    Solved YouTube playlist all tracks a 0:00 (0 min 0 seconds)

    Operating System: Ubuntu Zesty (17.04) SinusBot Version: 0.9.21-87a90ce TS3 Version: YouTube-dl version: 2017.08.27.1 Problem Description Describe your problem in detail. What did you do exactly, what did you expect to happen and what did actually happen? Sinusbot can't play any track...
  6. lafi08

    Musikbot laagt wegen Sprachaktivierung

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: neuese TS3 Version: neuesete Hi, ich habe bei meinem Musikbot Musik gespielt aber es blinkt manchmal das "Sprech Symbol" und somit laagt der Musikbot, weiß einer wie ich das fixen kann/ wie ich Dauersenden bei dem Bot aktivieren kann unter Linux ? PS...
  7. ZockerBuddie02

    Solved Login forbidden/Unauthorized

    Ich habe Sinusbot Beta auf meinem vServer installiert aber kann mich nicht anmelden mit admin/foobar/die passwörter die er beim starten zeigt. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/4BXr6
  8. Theenoro

    Many many Threads

    Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 SinusBot Version: 0.9.21 TS3 Version: auf Linux Problem Description Everytime I change the song or the song ends and a new starts, 3 new threads open on my system. Noticed after 1241 threads. ----- *edit: It's the fading function.
  9. Qhiliqq

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Qhiliqq hat eine neue Ressource erstellt: Sinusbot Installer Script - Install latest Sinusbot, TS3-Client and YT-DL. Weitere Informationen zu dieser Ressource...
  10. VerHext

    Diskussion Forum & Addons

    [1] Hallo ich frage mich gerade warum mein CountryGroup Script keinen Unterhaltung / Diskussionsforum besitzt. Sollte dies ein Fehler sein, bitte ich darum dies nachzuholen. [2] In dem Zuge möchte ich mich gleich mal erkundigen welche Voraussetzungen benötigt werden um ein Script in den...
  11. VerHext

    clientNick event not work!

    Operating System: Windows / Linux Problem Description Ich habe festgestellt dass, das Client objekt nicht im "clientNick" event aufrufen ist. event.on('clientNick', function(ev) { engine.log(ev.client.name()); // undefiniert });
  12. S

    Problem for the account

    Operating System: Windows 8 SinusBot Version: TS3 Version: Problem Description Hello, I can not connect when he asks me, here is a screnn: I put the password I put to connect to the site but ca put: Unauthorized Please Help me !
  13. Hydrid

    Unable to run after latest update -> Error on database operations

    Hey guys, I recently updated the bot using this script (https://sinusbot-installer.de/) on my Linux server, and after using root to run SinusBot for a while I've been trying to migrate to a non 'root user'. I get this error when running the command below, sudo -u sinusbot ./sinusbot Can...
  14. VerHext

    Solved MaxClient channel edit not work

    Problem Description Hallo, ich glaube ich habe einen Bug gefunden, in meinem Support++ Script editiere ich die Channel, das funktioniert auch alles Perfekt bis auf den Parameter MaxClients. backend.getChannelByID(channelEdit.spSupportChannelNameChange).update({ name...
  15. Tom7653

    Solved Skipping from the webinterface of using !next isn't working

    Operating System: Linux - CentOS 7 SinusBot Version: Latest TS3 Version: Problem Description When using !next it simply stops the YouTube playlist. (Basically skips the whole playlist rather than the song)
  16. VerHext

    Bug Scripting - Client.setDescription() not working

    Operating System: Windows / Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.x TS3 Version: 3.x.x Problem Description Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to set client descriptions with the scripting engine. Try using ev.client.setDescription("Text"); Without any error. The bug was confirmed by @maxibanki
  17. D

    Bot won't connect to Icecast server

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.18 TS3 Version: Problem Description Whenever i try to connect the bot to Icecast, but it won't really connect. (Icecast 2.4.3 on WIndows) Sometimes it connects for like 5 seconds and then disconnects. I can stream to the Icecast server with...
  18. Arckene

    Solved Bug with a mp3 radio

    Operating System: Linux (Debian 8) SinusBot Version: Last TS3 Version: Problem Description Hello, i have a bug when i add http://moveradio2.ice.infomaniak.ch/moveradio.mp3 on music It's a french radio flux and he don't work but another radio .mp3 still work with your bot... Help me...
  19. iPistachi

    Solved Could not insert into Profiles-Tablefile is encrypted or is not a database - Solved

    Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS SinusBot Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c TS3 Version: Problem Description I received this error message in the log!!! And the bot does not starto_O ...... Could not insert into Profiles-Tablefile is encrypted or is not a database Could not delete...
  20. Vygravlil

    Bug Discord-instance keep disconnecting and won't play any music

    Operating System: Linux Debian 8 SinusBot Version: 0.9.18 Hello guys! I've got a little problem with the bot. I'm using to instances, one TS3-bot and one Discord-bot. The TS3-instance works totally fine, there aren't any issures. But the Discord-instance keeps disconnecting randomly and won't...
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