• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. alsoGAMER

    Sinusbot panel stuck after starting

    When i start the bot the panel stuck in Loading.. Please wait, but the bot fully works... i don't know what i can do.. i've tried all
  2. M

    [Discord] !help omits "Ignore server-chat"

    The !help command does not abide by the "ignore <x>" options. My version: SinusBot 0.13.37-9791176 My configuration: Behavior: Expected behavior: same as all other commands, ignore the command and dont reply. Temporary workaround: Deny the bot to view text channels (not an option in my...
  3. Keinchi

    My Bot doesn't join the server i want

    i have problem with this arabic server ... ts.nixmc.com my bot doesn't start or join this server , Invalid server address, wrong password, security level too high for our identity, server doesn't accept the client version or given default channel non-existant / passworded. server address is...
  4. HoruSTheOriginal

    Requested bot bug

    Hello, when I try to connect the bot to my teamspeak server, the bot immediately quit from server. Log: <20:09:07> "SinusBot" connected to channel "Default Channel" <20:09:08> "SinusBot" disconnected (Requested via API.) (Sry for my bad english. :D)
  5. Keinchi

    linux vps sinusbot script problem with ts3-client version

    Installation Linux (Ubuntu / Debian) when i open putty and type the commands i do ./sinusbot_installer.sh when i select yes no yes or anything when it say 10 min then it say ( Could not detect latest TS3-Client version ) i'v downloaded the ts3 linux client 3.1.9 ( latest ) and i'v put it in root...
  6. Windmark

    Musik bricht ab (youtube-dl)

    Hallo, seid meinem Update auf die neueste Botversion spinnt Youtube-DL nicht zu knapp. Er bricht meistens nach 3 Minuten die Musik ab und springt zum nächsten. Mit den neuen Einstellungen die ich bereits im Forum gefunden habe läuft er zwar durchgehend, springt aber enorm. Also hilft das...
  7. darkstream

    Solved I have a problem with several script

    2018-04-15T13:44:00+05:00 Error in script: TypeError: Cannot access member 'id' of undefined 2018-04-15T13:51:14+05:00 Error running JS-Wrap: TypeError: Cannot access member 'setName' of undefined at init (CountOnlineUsers.js:140:4) at main (CountOnlineUsers.js:125:3) at ScriptRunner...
  8. RuymanphoneR

    Solved The new version of the Windows SinusBot does not run the plugins that used to work for me

    2018-04-07T15:02:48+01:00 Error in script (event chat): TypeError: Cannot access member 'length' of undefined at voice_faq.js:87:23 2018-04-07T15:02:48+01:00 PRIVATE-CHAT [KiritoRP] !dice 2018-04-07T15:02:41+01:00 Error in script (event chat): TypeError: Cannot access member 'length' of...
  9. ExplosionTopic

    Sinusbot mag keine URL bzw. Streams hinzufügen

    Servus liebe Community und Teammember von Sinusbot :D mein Bot mag keine URl / Streams mehr annehmen. Wenn ich den Link von ILoveRadio nehme (www.iloveradio.de/streams) sagt er mir: Error The provided URL could not be recognized as a valid stream. Sorry Und wenn ich andere Streams hinzufügen...
  10. ExplosionTopic

    Solved Sinusbot verbindet sich nicht

    Hallo liebe Community :D ich habe mal wieder ein Problem. Der Bot sagt in seinem Instanzen-Log: TS |INFO | | |Statistics report: User has not yet confirmed participation 2018-03-26T15:47:51+02:00 New connection status 1; Error 0 liegt es vlt daran ? 2018-03-26T15:47:51+02:00 TS |ERROR...
  11. essem

    backend#getChannelGroups() returns ServerGroups but no ChannelGroups

    with the provided code i get only servergroups but not a single channelgroup. sinusbot version: 0.13.37-9791176 backend.getChannelGroups().forEach(function(group) { engine.log(group); }); exampleoutput: ChannelGroup{ ID: <6>, Name: <Administrator> } ChannelGroup{...
  12. xdbence55

    In 1 hour music, the music will stop at 2-3 minutes

    When I download music with yt-dl, the music stops at 2-3 minutes and can't not go next in the music. But when I upload it, it's perfect. Also, I updated the bot and ts. Thanks for the help! It's Linux, Debian 8 Sorry for my bad English. :(
  13. Danonek

    "Could not contact update server"

    What is wrong here , the bot just shutdown and now i cant turn it on ? Can Anyone help me plz.
  14. ManuPlaysLP

    Login-Seite hat kein Design mehr

  15. Rocket_Blaster

    Mein Bot ist angeblich gebannt!?

    Hallo liebe Sinusbot Community, ich habe das Problem wenn ich meinen Bot über Interface starten will, dann steht da in so einem gelben Fenster das mein Bot angeblich gebannt sein soll. Manchmal steht da aber auch das ich angeblich falsches Passwort des TS oder Channels angeben habe oder das es...
  16. KosmicReeds

    Sinusbot VPS won't boot after restart (Isolated I think)

    Operating System: Linux - Centos 7 SinusBot Version: 0.11 TS3 Version: Problem Description Hey, So I have been having this problem with two separate VPS's, installation of the SinusBot goes fine, everything works as it should. But, when I reboot the VPS, the VPS won't come back...
  17. DesertFade

    No Radios

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.11.0 (newest) TS3 Version: 3.1.6 (client) and (server) Problem Description There are simple no radio programs. If i go to the Radio-Tab, i only get the text "Nothing found." YTDownloader and playing music does work normally, so i dont think...
  18. Jakub Vel

    User accounts based on servergroup not working

    Operating System: Linux Ubuntu 16.04 SinusBot Version: SinusBot Beta 0.9.21 TS3 Version: Bots: My: 3.1.6 Problem Description Already double checked and the problem doesnt happen when I bind the account to a single user Screenshots: Thanks for any help!
  19. K

    Cloudflare Connection issues

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.10.8-71ba94b TS3 Version: Problem Description Yesterday the bot went down and I tried to start it again. Thing is it said it needed to update. I thought this wasn't going to be that big a issue just a simple wget and extract. Thing is Wget...
  20. Julien Prz

    Probleme with chat detection

    Operating System: Linux SinusBot Version: 0.9.? TS3 Version: 3.? Problem Description I use Sinus bot on a Debian VPS, and all plugins which detect the chat doesn't work : Exemple : <09:03:19> "ShauwThen": !dice <09:03:26> "ShauwThen": !next And what ? Zero reply ! If anyone can help me, i...
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