• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. DGNVMusic

    Bot keeps disconnecting from Discord

    Hi there (again), I want to ask how is it possible, that my Discord bot keeps throwing the errors: 2024-01-26T13:54:26+01:00 voice handler returned with: error from voice reader: read tcp [2a05:d014:970:4300:4df7:9bac:960e:b41a]:40020->[2606:4700:7::a29f:82eb]:443: use of closed network...
  2. GeisterGams


    Guten Tag ist es möglich diesen Bot auch auf DIscord zu nutzen
  3. DGNVMusic

    Solved Add queue permission based on Discord Role

    Hey there 👋, I hope anyone can help me out here. For a Discord Server that a buddy of mine is hosting, we've created a DJ role and we want to give those users the privilege to enqueue songs from youtube-dl. Since it's a public server, many people in this DJ role don't want to create an account...
  4. O

    Sinusbot does not recognise commands

    Hello i installed Sinusbot on my new VPS using the installation script as usual. Everything works perfectly, but the bot does not recognise any commands. I have also updated all the scripts, but it still doesn't work. I don't know what to do. Maybe someone here has an idea.
  5. B

    EN SinusBot Installer VPS

    Hello! I wanted to install Sinusbot on the VPS, but I received the following error code: Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
  6. nerzlakai96

    Solved Event 'clientMove' on Discord usually not working

    Hello, i am experiencing a very weird bug which i tried to fix after several days of testing, but can't fix it. I assume this is a bug in the 'clientMove' Event for Discord. I wrote a script which greets everyone with a configured ClientID in the Sinusbot-Config and plays a sound file (with...
  7. L

    More than 6 Bots

    Hello, I bought the Sinusbot license at the beginning of the year and can create 6 bots, that's clear to me, but I would like to create more bots, is there a way to do that? Maybe another license or something? Thanks in advance :)
  8. R

    Join Discord channel where !play message is sent from

    Hey everyone, I've been using this bot on TS for many years now. Now we have switched to Discord and since all the free Musicbots that are available are pretty bad I wanted to set up my own bot. I can get the bot to connect to a default channel and play music but I want it to connect to the...
  9. HerzblutGamer

    Discord Come Skript für Discord (Deutsch) 1.0

    Ein einfaches Come Skript für Discord auf Deutsch. Inspiriert vom Come Script für Teamspeak. Installation: - Skript herunterladen - Im sinusbot/scripts Ordner hochladen - Sinusbot neustarten - Skript erscheint auf der Scripts Seite deines Bots Config: Allowed Clients - Hier die Client ID´s...
  10. M

    Solved Discord and bot licences

    Hello, I saw that the licences for Sinusbots can't be used for Discord Bots. Is there a specific reason for this and is there any way of getting more Sinusbots on to my own Discord Server? I know this was already mentioned in https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/licence-for-discord.4046 but it was...
  11. MatBomber

    Solved Commands don't work on Discord

    The bot has entered the chat and we can listen it, but when we try to type a command, in private and also in all text chat, it don't work. I already setted all "user account" by selecting my nickname and setting -1 to server group.
  12. MauriceR

    Discord YouTube Like 1.0

    This script just adds a Like/Dislike reaction to a message that contains a YouTube URL. Simply drop the script into your "scripts" folder inside the Sinusbot Installation directory, restart the bot and activate the script in the Webinterface. You can change the Like/Dislike emoji to your...
  13. MauriceR

    DE [SOLVED] Reaktionen bei Embed Nachrichten nicht möglich? (Discord)

    Hallo, Ich bin derzeit dabei ein paar Funktionen für den Sinusbot auf einen Discord Server zu programmieren. Aktuell "verzweifle" ich daran Reaktionen zu einer Embed Nachricht hinzuzufügen. Zum senden der Embed nachricht verwende ich folgenen Code...
  14. mircoportmann

    DE Ich suche ein script, für Channel nachrichten.(Discord Kompatible)

    Guten Tag :) Ich Suche ein Script welches die aktuelle Wiedergabe in einem bestimmten Textkanal teilt. Und eine frage habe ich noch! Ich bearbeite gerade die command.js und würde gerne user anpingen. Beispiel: DiscordName: !play Bot: Servus DiscordName#1234, ich höre nur auf...
  15. TwentyFour

    TS3/Discord Slim-Online-Sheriff 1.0.5

    📜 Need to overcome the sheriff to stay disconnected! requested by @olokos Required SinusBot version: 1.0 👉 Your bot tries to keep online at all cost, either just on a restart, or checking back periodically every minute for max. uptime. 👉 Works for both, TeamSpeak and Discord 👉 The...
  16. Encrypter

    Solved Servergruppe wird nicht gesetzt (Discord)

    Guten Abend an alle Mitglieder, :D ich entwickle seit der letzten Zeit einige Scripts und orientiere mich immer an der Sinusbot Script Dokumentation. Aktuell schreibe ich ein Script das einem Benutzer(Client) eine Role(Servergroup) geben soll. var rank = getRankforLevel(level)...
  17. M

    Sinusbot Discord error from conn reader

    Hallo zusammen! Ich wollte mir gerade einen SinusBot für Discord anlegen, hat so weit auch geklappt. Nur das Starten gefällt ihm nicht. 2020-02-15T15:20:50+01:00 disconnected from discord 2020-02-15T15:20:50+01:00 error from conn reader: read tcp hier.mein.server:37978->
  18. KaToKa11

    Solved Feature request - Discord join channel

    Hello, It would nice to have the feature that allows the bot to automatically join the VC of the user that requested the song (and stay there until no song has been played for 5 mins or so). Additionally it would be nice to be able to use the Discord RoleIDs as the group-id for an account...
  19. ZipName80

    BUG / Pas De Son Sur Discord Avec SinusBot / English : BUG / No Sound On Discord With SinusBot

    Bonjour, J'utilise Actuellement Un Windows Server 2016 A Distance Mais Le Problème C'est Que Mon Bot Discord N'envoie Aucun Son Malgré Le "Ecoute ..." Affichée Sur Le Profil Du Bot Aucun Son Ne Sort. English : Hello, I am currently using a Windows Server 2016 Remote but the problem is that my...
  20. YesterDavid135

    Kein Sound mehr nach neustart

    Hallo zusammen :) Ich habe mir auf meinem kleinem Server den Sinusbot installiert und jetzt auch länge benutzt. Allerdings seit dem Restart gestern (Ich schalte den Server immer übernacht aus) Schweigt der Bot, sobald er in den Discord Channel kommt :( Neugestartet habe ich es auch schon...
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